WARF - Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation

10/09/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/09/2024 12:24

WARF Advances in Clean Tech | September 2024

Top licensing prospects from the University of Wisconsin-Madison

Electrochemical Phosphate Removal and Recovery Cells
This electrochemical system can not only selectively remove phosphate from a phosphate-containing solution but can also recover it as H3PO4 without needing additional acid or creating byproduct wastes.
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Biomimetic Catalysts for Diverse Industrial Applications in Chemical Reactions
UW-Madison researchers have developed a method to synthesize organocatalysts that can be engineered to mimic biological enzymes for use in a variety of industrially relevant chemical reactions.
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Improved Compatibility and Stability of Flow Battery Technologies
This technique addresses the issue of crossover in flow batteries by dissolving water-soluble Zwitterionic trapper molecules (ZITs) in the electrolyte with the negatively charged active species.
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Yeast Strains with Anaerobic Xylose Fermentation Decoupled from Microbial Growth
The genetically modified strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are capable of anaerobic fermentation of xylose into ethanol without the need for cell growth.
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Direct Energy Converter for Axisymmetric Mirror Fusion Reactor
UW-Madison researchers developed an axisymmetric direct energy convertor that can harvest energy from the exhaust of an axisymmetric mirror, thereby increasing its energy gain.
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Flow-Based Aerobic Depolymerization of Lignin
This flow reactor for lignin valorization increases monomer production while limiting unwanted side/subsequent reactions and could be used to increase the efficiency of extracting valuable aromatics from lignin.
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