Dynatrace Inc.

07/01/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/01/2024 06:17

Dynatrace becomes the first AWS partner to integrate with AWS Application Migration Service

AWS Application Migration Service allows customers to deploy Dynatrace OneAgent to easily spot performance impacts when migrating to the cloud.

Organizations are increasingly migrating their on-premises workloads to the AWS cloud to reduce overhead and total cost of ownership (TCO). But while cloud migration promises to deliver better business outcomes, the process itself can prove challenging. This is because organizations need to understand what workloads they're running on-premises today and ensure that applications continue to run seamlessly, efficiently, and securely during the migration and post-migration process.

To address these challenges, Dynatrace now offers a native integration into AWS Application Migration Service, making it the first AWS partner to be natively integrated. Dynatrace AI-powered observability enables organizations to migrate apps effectively. This observability automatically identifies performance problems, security issues, and more. Here's how this integration between AWS Application Migration Service and Dynatrace helps organizations migrate faster, easier, and more securely.

What is AWS Application Migration Service?

AWS Application Migration Service (MGN) is a utility that enables organizations to relocate applications to the AWS cloud with minimal downtime. It uses an agent approach and offers rapid and reliable migration, ensuring applications remain fully operational during the transition. This approach helps to accelerate and optimize what was once a challenging process during migrations. Once migrated, organizations will have mirrored transitions from on-premises to their AWS cloud environment.

AWS MGN helps organizations achieve a seamless migration strategy. Here's how it works.

  • AWS Systems Manager Distributor. AWS Systems Manager Distributor (AWS SSM Distributor) enables organizations to securely distribute and install software packages, such as the Dynatrace OneAgent, across AWS and on-premises environments. It essentially facilitates the creation and distribution of software packages, the management of package versions, and the monitoring of the installation status of packages.
  • AWS Replication Agent. MGN rehosts the applications to AWS by replicating block-level data from the source target to the cloud. This process can be agent-based or agentless.

The AWS Replication Agent performs an initial block-level read of the content of any volume attached to the server and replicates it to the replication server. The agent then acts as an OS-level read filter to capture writes and synchronize any block-level modifications to the AWS MGN replication server, ensuring a near-zero recovery point.

MGN and Dynatrace

The strength of the Dynatrace partnership with AWS means that organizations can now easily select the Dynatrace OneAgent installation package to add to their migrated servers via MGN post-launch actions. This integration makes Dynatrace observability automatically available to hosts as they're migrated to the AWS cloud environment. Customers can simply select Dynatrace from the third-party post-launch actions tab and provide their Dynatrace SaaS tenant details.

Embrace AWS cloud with Dynatrace

As more organizations seek to move on-premises workloads to the AWS cloud, AWS and Dynatrace make the migration process more efficient. Together, AWS and Dynatrace assure organizations that migrated workloads will be high-performing and resilient once running in a cloud environment.

By leveraging Dynatrace intelligent observability and complete visibility into on-premises resources, teams can now marry these AI-powered insights with AWS Application Migration Service to accelerate their migration efforts. This takes the guesswork out of designing the new cloud architecture and where these workloads will run. With Dynatrace and AWS, organizations can achieve cloud migration (and thus cloud modernization) more easily so organizations can fully embrace all the benefits of the AWS cloud.

To learn more about the advantages of migrating workloads to AWS, see AWS cloud migration with Dynatrace.