Department of Forestry and Fisheries and the Environment - Republic of South Africa

08/22/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 08/22/2024 00:59

Deputy Minister Swarts Embarks on stakeholder engagement drive on National Veld and Forest Fires

22 August 2024

The Deputy Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Ms Bernice Swarts hosted her inaugural stakeholder engagement drive on the implementation of the National Veld and Forest Fires Act, 1998 on Friday, 16 August 2024 at Environment House, in Pretoria.

The Deputy Minister's inaugural stakeholder engagement drive on National Veld and Forest Fires was attended by the senior officials from the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE), North West Provincial Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati, Dr Kenneth Kaunda, Ngaka Modiri Molema and Bojanala District Municipalities, North West Fire Protection Associations (FPAs) chairpersons , the North West Umbrella Fire Protection Association (NWUFPA), as well as Kishugu Joint Venture . The latter is the service provider for the Department and responsible for planning, management, control and implementation of the Working on Fire Program.

The DFFE, as the custodian of the National Veld and Forest Fires, is committed to ensuring that the FPAs established in terms of the National Veld and Forest Fire Act, 1998 (Act No. 101 of 1998) contribute effectively to the prevention and fighting of fires in the country.

The FPAs are confronted with challenges spanning from, meaningful participation of key stakeholders such as landowners on whose land fire may start and spread to adjacent properties, funding and inadequate equipment for fighting fires.

The current challenges on the implementation of the National Veld and Forest Fires made the Deputy Minister to convene the stakeholder engagement drive as part of the consultation process which seeks to address the identified challenges faced in the programme as well as to address legislative transformation plans that the department wants to rollout in the future.

Deputy Minister Swarts emphasized the vital role that Fire Protection Associations (FPAs) play in DFFE's firefighting initiatives. "FPAs are the heartbeat and engine of our firefighting strategies. It is crucial to foster strong working relationships between the department, NWFPAs, NWUFPA, and the Working on Fire Programme to continue effectively assisting communities and landowners in combating veld and forest fires in the North West province," she said.

"The stakeholder engagement was aimed at enhancing communication, strengthen working relations, improving collaboration and addressing challenges in veld and forest fire management within the North West Province," added Deputy Minister Swarts.

The meeting addressed several challenges, including payment delays for NWFPAs, the use of government firefighting vehicles by NWFPA members, training for NWFPAs, and clarifying the roles of different stakeholders. Deputy Minister Swarts expressed satisfaction with the honest discussions and highlighted the commitment of all parties to finding practical solutions. She further committed to ensuring timely payment for services rendered, within a 30-day period, to support continued firefighting operations.

The Deputy Minister was appraised about the extent of fire incidents that occurred in the recent past and expressed her concerns on the impact they had on the livelihoods of communities, lives, and properties in the North West. These disasters, which are compounded by climate change phenomenon associated with extreme weather are characterised by long draught and extended fire seasons are increasing and becoming a serious threat to sustainable development in the province and the country as a whole.

Looking ahead, the Deputy Minister stressed the importance of collaborating with municipalities, traditional councils, and other governmental departments. "We must explore the possibility of stationing fire engines at tribal council offices, allowing traditional leaders to be more involved in community firefighting initiatives," said Swarts.

The General Manager of NWUFPA, Dr. Kobus Roux, expressed optimism following the meeting. "We are excited to work closely with Deputy Minister Swarts. Her open-door approach and clear guidance give us confidence that we can address the challenges we face," he said.

Mr. Lebogang Mahatlhe from the Kagisano FPA in Ganyesa also commended the Deputy Minister for focusing on the issues faced by FPAs in the province. "We are certain that under Deputy Minister Swarts we will see positive changes in relations to the issues faced by FPAs in the North West," he said.

Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality Councillor, Boitshoko Selekanyane, welcomed the engagement, noting that the collaboration will ensure that firefighting resources are effectively utilised to benefit communities.

The Deputy Minister is committed to prioritising the training of farmers and farmworkers in firefighting activities and organising a veld and forest fire Imbizo to create awareness among communities on veld and forests fires.

For media queries contact:

Peter Mbelengwa
Mobile: 082 611 8197
E-mail: [email protected]