Ministry of Defence - Republic of Albania

09/06/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Ukraine Defense Contact Group convenes, Minister Vengu: We stand by our friends!

Ukraine Defense Contact Group convenes, Minister Vengu: We stand by our friends!

Published: Friday, 06 September 2024 13:52

Ramstein, Germany - Defense Minister Pirro Vengu took part in the 24th meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group (UDCG), a coalition comprising all NATO member states and over 18 partner nations, united in their resolve to support Ukraine in its fight against the unprovoked Russian invasion that began in February 2022.

In his remarks, Minister Vengu commended the U.S.-led initiative and reaffirmed Albania's unwavering support for Ukraine and its people, pledging continued military and humanitarian assistance. Albania stands among the notable contributors within the Alliance, actively participating in the collective effort to strengthen Ukraine's defense capabilities and counter Russian aggression.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also joined the meeting, which comes at a pivotal and rapidly evolving stage of the conflict.