JFrog Ltd.

09/27/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/26/2024 16:39

Unix CUPS Unauthenticated RCE Zero Day Vulnerabilities (CVE 2024 47076, CVE 2024 47175, CVE 2024 47176, CVE 2024 47177): All you need to know

On September 23rd, Twitter user Simone Margaritelli (@evilsocket) announcedthat he has discovered and privately disclosed a CVSS 9.9 GNU/Linux unauthenticated RCE, which affects almost all Linux distributions, and that the public disclosure will happen on September 30th,

Due to a suspected leak in the disclosure process, @evilsocket decided to advance the disclosure, and on September 26th, the vulnerabilities were disclosed in @evilsocket's blog, along with a full proof of concept. The vulnerabilities were given the identifiers CVE-2024-47076, CVE-2024-47175, CVE-2024-47176, CVE-2024-47177.

Which vulnerabilities were disclosed?

All of the disclosed vulnerabilities are related to printing services, and predominantly related to CUPS (Common UNIX Printing System).

  • CVE-2024-47176- cups-browsed <= 2.0.1 binds on UDP INADDR_ANY:631 trusting any packet from any source to trigger a Get-Printer-Attributes IPP request to an attacker controlled URL. Estimated CVSS - 8.6
  • CVE-2024-47076- libcupsfilters <= 2.1b1 cfGetPrinterAttributes5 does not validate or sanitize the IPP attributes returned from an IPP server, providing attacker controlled data to the rest of the CUPS system. Estimated CVSS - 8.6
  • CVE-2024-47175- libppd <= 2.1b1 ppdCreatePPDFromIPP2 does not validate or sanitize the IPP attributes when writing them to a temporary PPD file, allowing the injection of attacker controlled data in the resulting PPD. Estimated CVSS - 8.6
  • CVE-2024-47177- cups-filters <= 2.0.1 foomatic-rip allows arbitrary command execution via the FoomaticRIPCommandLine PPD parameter. Estimated CVSS - 9.9

Chaining all of these vulnerabilities together allows an attacker to perform unauthenticated remote code executionagainst vulnerable systems, by creating a new printer (due to CVE-2024-47176) with a malicious IPPURL, resulting in arbitrary command execution (due to CVE-2024-47177) when a print job is started on the computer where the printer was added.

The last part is crucial - the attacker cannot start a print job on the victim server on their own, therefore on machines that never get print jobs, the vulnerability will never be triggered.

Who is vulnerable to these vulnerabilities?

Any UNIX-based system that comes packaged with the CUPS service:

However, note that not all distributions (ex. Red Hat) enable the CUPSservice by default.

Why are these vulnerabilities so dangerous?

No per-target research is needed to exploit this vulnerability. An attacker can simply scan IP ranges, looking for an open UDP port 631, and use the published fully weaponized exploitto plant a malicious printing directive (PPD) on the victim machine. However, as mentioned, the code execution payload will only get triggered when a user schedules a print jobon the victim machine(after the attacker planted the malicious printing directive)

How can I completely fix these vulnerabilities?

Currently, fixed versions have not been published to either the upstream projects or to any Linux distributions. We will update this section as fixed versions are published.

Please see the next section for our mitigation steps.

Can I mitigate these vulnerabilities without upgrading?

Yes, to mitigate these vulnerabilities without upgrading, perform at least one of the following actions:

  • Disable and remove the cups-browsed service (if not needed)
    sudo systemctl stop cups-browsed
    sudo systemctl disable cups-browsed
  • Block all traffic to UDP port 631 & and all DNS-SD traffic

What causes these vulnerabilities?

TL;DR: The cause of these vulnerabilities is a design flaw in the IPPprotocol that allows printing documents on Linux and allows unauthenticated attackers to run arbitrary commands using a regression of a patchfrom more than a decade ago.

Issue #1 - Lack of authentication

cups-browsedis a service responsible for finding and connecting to network printers and runs as root.

There is no authentication built into its mechanism, and due to its code being largely unaudited, a lot of memory bugs are present in its packet parsing logic.

This service is listening on UDPport 631 on all interfaces (, thus if your machine is publicly accessible from the internet, it can be exploited.

Issue #2 - Unfiltered parameter injection

Sending a packet pretending to be a printer, using the IPPprotocol (Internet Printing Protocol), would trigger the service to query the printer's attributes (the service would connect back to the attacker's supplied IP address).

The attacker-supplied attributes are then saved to a PPDfile (PostScript Printer Description) using unsafe format strings.

The file describes the printer's features and functionalities to the CUPSservice, guiding CUPSon how to interact with and utilize the printer correctly.

One such instruction in the PPDfile is the cupsFilter2directive. This directive specifies an executable file, located in the /usr/lib/cups/filterdirectory, which will be run when a print job is sent to the printer. The purpose of this executable is to perform document conversion if the printer doesn't natively support the format of the submitted file for example.

Issue #3 - Arbitrary code execution

The foomatic-ripfilter, a crucial but potentially problematic component of the CUPSsystem, has a history of security vulnerabilities, including the ability to execute arbitrary commands through the FoomaticRIPCommandLinedirective in PPD files.

Despite fixes implementedin the separate foomatic-filterspackage, this security patch was not fully integrated into CUPS, leaving the core system vulnerable to similar exploits for years, as evidenced by recent CVEs like CVE-2024-35235.

The persistence of this security issue, despite being acknowledged by CUPSdevelopers, stems from the complexity of fixing it without breaking backward compatibility with most existing printer drivers and configurations.

Using this FoomaticRIPCommandLinedirective in the PPD configuration file essentially allows an attacker to run any arbitrary shell commandon the target system when the victim prints something (and sends a printing job to the printer).

A full PoCwas published as part of the security advisories.