ABU - Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union

07/31/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/30/2024 19:50

Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) launches news app

Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) launched the RRI online news application in July recently.

The launch was attended by the Main Director of RRI, I Hendarsmo, Deputy Minister of Communication and Information, Nezar Patria, as well as all RRI employees.

In his speech, I Hendarsmo, emphasised the importance of media transformation:. "Today we will provide one of our new service features and confirm our direction and enthusiasm to become a multiplatform media in facing the era of disruption," he said. This shows RRI's commitment to continue to develop and innovate in responding to increasingly rapid technological changes.

The RRI News application is specifically designed to represent the digital transformation and innovation carried out by RRI. With this application, it is hoped that RRI can maintain relevance in the eyes of the public. "We are doing everything to be more confident in the era of disruption and to be increasingly able to maintain our relevance in the eyes of the public," said Hendarsmo.

Deputy Minister of Communication and Information, Nezar Patria also provided full support for the launch of this application. According to him, this step is in line with the government's efforts to encourage digital transformation in various sectors, including media.

The launch of RRI News is an important milestone for RRI in its efforts to become an adaptive and innovative media. With this application, it is hoped that the public can more easily access the latest and most reliable information from RRI, thereby further improving the quality of the public information services provided.