DCCC - Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

07/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/17/2024 12:09

Yvette Herrell and J.D. Vance’s Extreme Anti-Migrant Views

Vance said "Do you hate Mexicans? "

Yvette Herrell enthusiastically celebrated Trump selecting J.D. Vance as his vice presidential candidate, calling Vance a "fantastic choice" despite his clear anti-migrant rhetoric and agenda.

In an ad, Vance complains about being labeled "a racist" who "hates Mexicans" for what he claims are "rational, consensus views" on immigration. What are his allegedly common sense views exactly?

  • Vance has said that Project 2025 contains "good ideas" - an agenda that calls for the deportation of people who have lived here for decades, suspending due process, and the use of the military to attack legal immigration in any way possible.

  • Vance has called for the mass deportation of every single undocumented immigrant in the United States, which includes Dreamers.

  • Vance has promoted the white nationalist "great replacement" conspiracy theory.

  • Vehemently anti-immigrant interest groups like Heritage Action have given Vance a 93% rating on the issue.

Vance's extremism on immigration is clearly right in line with far-right Republicans like Yvette Herrell. While in Congress, Herrell spewed racist conspiracy theories and met with anti-immigrant hate groups - eventually leading to her re-election loss in 2022.

DCCC Spokesperson Lauryn Fanguen:
"It's utterly disqualifying that Yvette Herrell believes J.D. Vance - a rampant extremist who has consistently backed xenophobic anti-immigrant measures - is a 'fantastic choice' for New Mexicans. Herrell is proving once again that she'll be nothing more than a gleeful rubber stamp for any extremist MAGA policy her party bosses choose."