City of Hayward, CA

07/16/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/16/2024 12:46

Hayward Police Department Awarded Grant from the State of California's Cannabis Tax Fund Grant Program

News Release, Police Department, Public Safety

Hayward Police Department Awarded Grant from the State of California's Cannabis Tax Fund Grant Program

July 16, 2024


July 16, 2024

Media Contact:

Officer Cassondra Fovel

Hayward Police DepartmentAwardedGrant from the State of California's Cannabis Tax Fund Grant Program

Hayward,Calif. -The Hayward Police Department applied for and wasawarded $304,694.72from the State of California's Cannabis Tax Fund grant program.The grant will support community engagement and educational programs, the purchase of newequipment related tothese programs, andprovide additional training to its officers and professional staff.

The grant originated with the passage of Proposition 64, the Control, Regulate, and Tax Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA). With thepassage of this proposition, California voters mandated the state set aside funding for the California Highway Patrol to award grants to local governments and qualified nonprofit organizations, as described in Revenue and Taxation Code Section 34019(f)(3)(B).

The allocation and administration of these funds are overseen by various state agencies, such as the California Bureau of Cannabis Control, the California Department of Public Health, and the California Highway Patrol, to ensure that the funds are used effectively and in alignment with the goals of Proposition 64.

Sergeant Mike Matthews, who prepared and submittedthe grant application, commented on the announcement: "We are excited and grateful that the City of Hayward's Police Department was selected as a grant award recipient. The safety of our community members is our highest priority, and this award will afford us the opportunity totake even morestepsforwardtoward reducing impaired driving crashes, increasing public awareness surrounding the dangers of impaired driving, and making California's roadways a safer place to travel."

For more information about the grant,please contact Traffic Sergeant Mike Matthews at 510-293-7169.

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