NCSES - National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics

22/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 22/07/2024 17:13

FY 2022 Federal Science and Engineering Support to Selected Types of Minority-Serving Institutions

1Obligations represent the amount for orders placed, contracts awarded, services received, and similar transactions during a given period, regardless of when the funds were appropriated or when future payment of money is required.

2Analytical Perspectives, Budget of the U.S. Government, Fiscal Year 2025, Chapter 6. Research and Development, p.55. Available at

3Although some types of minority-serving institutions, such as TCUs and HBCUs, may be mutually exclusive, by definition, others may not be as the classifications are based on percentage of population enrollment thresholds. At the same time, WCUs are self-designated in their reporting to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System.

4The full list of recipient institutions are available in the full set of data tables: table 17.

5HHEs includes those institutions of higher education whose full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment of undergraduate students is at least 25% Hispanic, according to fall 2022 enrollment data self-reported by the institutions in the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System survey conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). NCES determined FTE enrollment by calculating that approximately three part-time students are equivalent to one full-time student. The full list of HHEs receiving federal S&E support are in the full set of data tables: table 26.

6Details available in the full set of data tables: table 26.

7Details available in the full set of data tables: table 17.

8Details available in the full set of data tables: table 26.

9This list of HAIE institutions includes those institutions of higher education that are not tribal colleges or universities and that have an enrollment of undergraduate students that is not less than 10% Native American students, according to fall 2022 enrollment data self-reported by the institutions in the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System survey conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics.

10Details available in the full set of data tables: table 17.

11The list of TCUs is from the White House Initiative on American Indian and Alaska Native Education (see In accordance with Executive Order No. 13270, "​​Tribal Colleges and Universities," as extended by Executive Order No. 13316, the list includes all of the colleges cited in section 532 of the Equity in Educational Land-Grant Status Act of 1994 (7 U.S.C. 301 note), any other institution that qualifies for funding under the Tribally Controlled Community College Assistance Act of 1978 (25 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.), and Diné College, which is authorized in the Navajo Community College Assistance Act of 1978, Public Law 95-471, title II (25 U.S.C. 640a note). The statutory definition of American Indian tribally controlled colleges and universities, to which the Higher Education Act refers at §316(b)(3), 20 U.S.C. 1059c(b)(3), is in section 2(a)(4) of the Tribally Controlled College and University Assistance Act of 1978, 25 U.S.C. 1801(a)(4).

12Details available in the full set of data tables: table 27.

13For a detailed discussion of federal S&E Support to HBCUs in FY 2022, see Pece C; National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES). 2024. Federal Science and Engineering Support for Academic Institutions Increased 3% in FY 2022; Support to HBCUs Increased 19%. NSF 24-325. Alexandria, VA: U.S. National Science Foundation. Available at

14Details available in the full set of data tables: table 17 and table 22.

15Report is available at

16WCU designations by the National Center for Education Statistics are self-reported by the institutions' reporting to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. For the full list of institutions, see