PIOGA - Pennsylvania Independent Oil and Gas Association

09/11/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/11/2024 13:59

Reality Check: PIOGA – Putting Energy Into Constructive Civil Discourse

September 2024 - PIOGA Reality Check

PIOGA - Putting Energy Into Constructive Civil Discourse

Members of the Pennsylvania Independent Oil & Gas Association are acutely aware of the significant divisions currently impacting people across the United States. The positions often being taken by people with different life experiences and perspectives are too often becoming rigid - and sometimes demeaning - to the point that constructive and respectful dialogue is impossible.

As individuals involved in the safe production and transportation of needed supplies of energy, we experience interactions with others who are opposed, sometimes viscerally, to the work we do every day. In many ways, it is a microcosm of what is taking place in many parts of America today.

And, it is very unfortunate.
+ We provide a unified voice in communicating with all three branches of state government and promote respectful and factual dialogue with each of those branches..
+ We engage in respectful and factual dialogue with local, county and state regulators to maintain effective policies or regulations.
+ We provide information to the public, in hearings, meetings and media interviews.
+ We listen to the views of others with differing opinions and respond in a respectful and factual manner.

PIOGA seeks to establish a "respected middle ground" approach in achieving this mission. We believe our members bring a valuable perspective about the importance of clean, reliable and inexpensive energy to maintain a highly functioning society and support a strong economy. Our members involved with delivering this massive undertaking do so every day with safe practices and care for our common environment and laws. We live here too. We strive to maintain the same reasoned perspective when faced with criticism we feel is not rooted in factual data, and we encourage others to do the same.

We're putting our energy into constructive public discourse…
that is our commitment.


Click HERE to download/print -PIOGA-Putting Energy Into Constructive Civil Discourse

Please forward to your employees, colleagues, family, neighbors, local legislators and HELP SPREAD THE REALITY CHECK!

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