Paul A. Gosar

10/27/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/27/2024 09:08

This Week With Gosar

October 27, 2024

Breaking News: Liberal Judge Rules to Reinstate Illegals on Voter Rolls

Late Friday, hoping no one would notice, a liberal judge ruled against the state of Virginia's efforts to remove illegals from the voting rolls. You heard that right, non-citizens and illegals can now vote in Virginia.The election is less than two weeks away, this is nothing short of election interference.

The Judge, Patricia Giles, was appointed by Joe Biden has made sure by her decision that at least 1,600 illegal aliens or non-citizens can vote in Virginia. Ostensibly she contends that the state of Virginia should have "cleaned up" its voter rolls earlier, and not within 90 days of the election. In reality, however, she fundamentally wants non-citizens to vote and that is how she ruled. We need judges who believe in the Constitution and will protect our lawful voters from being disenfranchised.

As Illegals Cost American Taxpayers $183 billion in 2023…

Speaking of illegal aliens, this week, the Federation of American Immigration Reform released a report noting that taxpayers paid nearly $183 BILLION in 2023 on "services" for lawbreakers who illegally crossed our southern border. That breaks down to approximately $8,776 spent annually for each illegal alien. Instead of giving that money away to illegals, wouldn't you love to have that money in your bank account? The services include school, shelter, law enforcement and medical assistance. Because each state, city and county handle the cost of the southern border invasion differently, FAIR notes that it is difficult to estimate the full cost per illegal. However, FAIR points out that it is "just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to migrant spending as state and local expenditure is far higher." How much is $183 billion, you ask? For comparison, the entire budget for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, you know - the federal agency that is supposed to be securing our border and preventing the illegals from pouring in, was $82 billion in 2023or around $100 billion less than what the lawbreakers cost Americans, proving yet again thatBiden and Harris should have been more focused on securing the border!

Of course, money is one thing. There are also non-economic costs that are severe and permanent. More than 13,000 convicted murderers were let in by Biden and Harris and are now running around our streets and towns.

For example, in 2023 the Heritage Foundation wrote: "In April of this year, Francisco Oropeza, deported four times in the last 14 years, was accused of gunning down five Honduran immigrants in Texas, including an innocent eight-year-old. In February, Bryan Marquez, who had deportation orders but was still in the United States, brutally murdered his roommate by beating him. He was charged with first-degree murder. In January, Jose Hernandez faced five counts of indecency with a minor after allegedly sexually assaulting a young child multiple times. In March of last year, Jean Macean, an illegal alien who posed as an unaccompanied minor, was charged with two counts of first-degree murder after allegedly murdering a Daytona Beach couple. Macean had previous arrests related to drug charges, which were dropped due to the soft-on-crime predilections of George Soros-backed Florida State Attorney Aramis Ayala. The Left advocates for soft-on-crime prosecutors who are backed by Soros' funds and for sanctuary cities, but this is a deadly combination. As long as sanctuary cities shield criminal illegal aliens from deportation and leftist prosecutors are appointed to promote ideologically "woke" crime policies based on what the Left perceives as "fairness," the persistence of heinous crimes like these will endure."

…Kamala Announces Her Support for Amnesty for Illegals

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris gave an interview on Telemundo this week and made it crystal clear that she supports a pathway to citizenship for the nearly 20+ million illegals living in America and will refuse to deport them.Translation: a "pathway to citizenship" is code word for amnesty for illegals to give Democrats permanent political power. That's the goal and the plan. Why should we be surprised? As Border Czar, Kamala Harris has spent the past 3 ½ years refusing to secure the border while decriminalizing illegal border crossings. In stark contrast, during the same interview, Kamala Harris rightfully noted that "Donald Trump is not going to push for a pathway to citizenship," but if elected, she will. This is treasonous and it should anger every America-loving citizen. To the liberals who troll my newsletter hoping to prove me wrong: you can read the full transcript of Border Czar Kamala Harris' interview by clicking here.

Trump Assassination Findings

The United States House of Representatives' bipartisan task force investigating the July 13thassassination attempt of Donald Trump in Butler, PA released a troubling interim report this week that found the attack was "preventable" and was due to "stunning security failures" by the Secret Service and should never have happened.The report reveals that according to local law enforcement partners, the Secret Service failed to fulfill its primary protective mission due to how the agency: conducted advance planning, defined the secure perimeter, controlled the high ground, mitigated sight lines, established lines of communication, and deployed critical assets. The Bottom line: the Secret Service failed to execute its role as the leader of a team of federal, state, and local partners in Butler, PA.

Gosar About Town!

It was another busy week in the district, I had the privilege of attending the grand opening of the Everhome Suites Hotel in Glendale. If you've been to Glendale lately, you know that it has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, reflecting what everyone here already knows: Glendale is a great place to live and do business! The highlight of my week was joining Mohave County Supervisor Ron Gould in touring the Antler copper mine outside of Yucca. As one of the world's highest-grade copper deposits, the mine will generate significant local economic benefits and employment opportunities for our community. Many thanks to everyone who helped make these visits a huge success.

It's Mail Time!

I receive thousands of letters each month from constituents, and I appreciate hearing from everyone. Here are a few of those who wrote in this week:

Rodney H. from Yucca, AZ wrote:

My wife and I would like a detailed list of what is actually shutdown if congress cannot agree on budget CR. We also want all voters to show proof of citizenship in America before they can vote. Only an idiot would think otherwise.

Rodney, first, thank you for your kind note. You asked me two questions. I will address each in turn.

You asked me for a detailed list of which parts of the government are shut down when Congress does not pass a continuing resolution (CR). I would like to direct you to this helpful explainer from the Bipartisan Policy Center, which was last updated in September of 2024. In summary, agencies and other programs not running on pre-approved cash reserves immediately cease to function. Government employees deemed 'non-essential' are furloughed, whereas 'essential workers' continue to work. Neither group receive back pay until after the shutdown ends. Not only is pay halted but no further contracts are signed and all projects are indefinitely suspended.

Worth noting is the fact that while "discretionary spending" stops, "mandatory spending" (i.e: benefits such as Social Security and Medicare, for instance) continues indefinitely. This fact leads one to ask whether the approval of Federal spending has anything to do with whether money is spent. The answer is "no, not really." The aforementioned benefits programs are authorized to continue spending ad infinitum. 'Mandatory spending' accounts for 7 out of every 10 dollars spent by the Federal government.

Lastly, you also remarked that "only an idiot would think" that requiring proof of citizenship at the polls is not sensible policy. While it did not shock me to see Speaker Mike Johnson pull the rug out from under House Republicans after promising the SAVE Act, it still frustrates me just how out of step with the will of everyday Americans our current Republican establishment can be. Our leaders are weak and, frankly, blind if they cannot perceive the necessity of ensuring the integrity of our elections. Any other position is America-last, backward, and not a friend to the founding principles of this nation.

Anne H. from Yuma, AZ shares:

Please vote NO on and STRONGLY OPPOSE the Educational Choice for Children Act (H.R. 9462). Private school voucher programs undermine our nation's public schools by diverting desperately needed resources away from the public school system to fund the education of a few, select students in private schools. These programs also undermine the First Amendment by sending our tax dollars to fund religious instruction at private religious schools. This legislation would funnel federal funds to private religious schools by providing $10 billion in annual tax credits for individuals who donate to nonprofit organizations that give students education scholarships. Public money should fund public schools. As my Representative, I need you to be committed to strongly opposing private school voucher programs, including those structured as tuition tax credits.

Anne, I hate to disappoint you, but I am, and have consistently been, an ardent supporter of empowering parents and families to find the right education for their children. One of the government's highest responsibilities is safekeeping the education and well-being of our country's leaders and innovators of tomorrow. Tragically, however, we currently face deep problems with our public schools in America. The disastrous numbers at public schools are all too familiar - only one-third of fourth graders are "proficient" in reading, only 40% are able to do math at grade level, and the United States has consistently seen other nations outpace us across the board of scholastic achievement. To make matters worse, many areas - from inner cities to rural towns and other low-income communities - have extraordinarily few options for children. As a result, these students are trapped in failing public schools that inadequately prepare them for the real world.

School choice and voucher programs, such as Arizona's ESA, encourage alternative solutions to these long-standing problems in the American educational sphere. By fostering outside-the-box solutions, we can help drive innovations at the local level for distinctive, local challenges. In rural communities, the one-size-fits-all solutions most often championed by Washington bureaucrats often fall short of the demands of parents and guardians. We need to do more to provide alternative options for parents and students - both to give them a richer selection of choices and to improve the education system more broadly by fostering competition. Doing so puts the decision-making power into the hands of those closest to - and most interested in - the well-being of individual students.

I support increased student choice not only because it furthers the causes of individual and religious freedom while increasing autonomy for parents but also because it has been shown to benefit students. Broadening student choice by offering vouchers has been shown to increase student test scores while simultaneously boosting scores at nearby public schools through increased competition. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that this also leads to an uptick in parental satisfaction with both their child's development and the school more broadly. Government monopolies on services are a recipe for disaster, as out-of-touch bureaucrats are left to make sweeping decisions, with the natural inclination to increase their own purview and authority. On the other hand, allowing for additional, non-traditional choices in education (as it does with any other good or service) gives rise to a more expansive and valuable slate of offerings.

Arizona is a national leader when it comes to school choice and parental authority in their children's education. Over 60 thousand students in Arizona benefit from ESA. Thanks to the diversity of programs and funding sources available, Arizona is ranked third in the nation on the "Parent Power Index" through the Center for Education Reform. This optionality has led to a proliferation of new, specialized programs that provide more flexibility, unique courses and other options that better prepare students for their life after high school whether that be through attending a traditional college or trade school or by seeking professional employment.

That's why I have fought for increased flexibility for charter schools and other means of improving student optionality. I have even championed the freedom of American Indian tribes to expand their charter school options to ensure that they are not deprived of the opportunity to innovate and succeed. With over a million students currently on charter school waitlists, I will continue to work with my colleagues in the House of Representatives to bring the additional choice that students and parents have been demanding. Like I said, I strongly support private school voucher programs, including those structured as tuition tax credits, and make no apologies for it.

Tweet of the Week:

Photo of the Week:

Micki Vroman from Red Dry Lake, AZ sent in this cool shot of a comet after a great day of land sailing on Red Dry Lake north of Kingman. Amazing! Thanks for sharing, Micki.

Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our "Picture of the Week?"If so, send your best shots along with a brief description to [email protected]. Remember to include your name and where you live.

Gosar in the News and Other Must-Read Stories:

Post Millennial: Pennsylvania McDonald's franchise retains security after Trump's visit leads to threats

Washington Times: House Budget report details the high price paid by taxpayers to support illegal immigrants

Daily Signal: Would Kamala Harris Force Catholic Hospitals and Doctors to Perform Abortions?

The Federalist: Lawmakers To Issue Subpoenas Over Alleged ActBlue Foreign Election Interference Scheme

National Review: Female Athletes Lost Almost 900 Medals to Trans-Identifying Men Worldwide, U.N. Report Finds

New York Post: The left puts a target on Donald Trump's back with Nazi, Adolf Hitler smears

Warning!! The Gosar Weekly Newsletter is meant for discerning readers with above average intelligence. We link to interesting stories. We get stories a couple different ways: Google alerts, a third-party aggregator and sometimes readers send stuff. We don't vouch for every publication or every author. If we link to a story, it is because of that story. The views expressed in any of the publications do not represent any promotion, endorsement or reflection of Congressman Gosar's views. While we try our best, we cannot guarantee every news organization spouting hatred, animosity or divisiveness will be filtered from appearing in the Gosar Weekly Newsletter. We will endeavor to prevent that from happening by never linking to Fake News organizations including CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Rolling Stone, the Arizona Republic, the Arizona Mirror, Media Matters or the New Republic.