The Office of the Governor of the State of Michigan

09/01/2024 | Press release | Archived content

September 2024: Kinship Care Month

WHEREAS, In Michigan, approximately 49,000 children not in foster care and more than 4,500 children in foster care are raised by kinship families; and,

WHEREAS, every child in Michigan deserves to grow and learn in a supportive, loving, safe home environment; and,

WHEREAS, kinship care is the full-time care, nurturing and protection of children by caregivers who raise and support them and who provide a sense of connection, safety, security, and ties to their cultural heritage, family, and community; and,

WHEREAS, kinship families are made up of non-parent family members and others, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, older siblings or family friends, who have emotionally significant relationships with the child; and,

WHEREAS, kinship caregiving is found in all socioeconomic, educational, ethnic, and racial backgrounds, providing many opportunities as well as unique challenges; and,

WHEREAS, the state of Michigan acknowledges and honors the daily achievements of kinship caregivers who are pivotal in raising and nurturing the next generation of children while increasing their ability to succeed and thrive; and,

WHEREAS, the state of Michigan is committed to working with families, public and private partners, and tribal governments to prioritize a kin-first culture, where children are raised within their families and those families are celebrated for their strengths and expertise; and,

WHEREAS, Michigan has been a national leader in kinship care and believes children who need placements outside their homes should be placed with relatives or other close family friends whenever possible and remains dedicated to examining existing policies, programs, and services with the goal of achieving equity, access, and justice for all residents; and,

WHEREAS, Kinship Care Month provides an opportunity to showcase the accomplishments of countless children and youth throughout our state and nation and the unconditional support of their relatives and fictive kin, while also highlighting opportunities to address the remaining needs and barriers faced by kinship families; and,

WHEREAS, Michigan is grateful for the many kinship caregivers who provide youth with a safe and secure environment that offers a foundation of love and support, and the sense of belonging that comes with being part of a family;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, do hereby proclaim September 2024 as Kinship Care Month in Michigan. I encourage all Michigan residents to acknowledge and celebrate the importance of kinship caregivers and the children they are raising in stable, loving, and nurturing households.