City of Jackson, MI

12/11/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/11/2024 08:34

100 Homes update: 19 homes completed

New houses from the 100 Homes Program continue to pop up across the City of Jackson! One year into the program, 19 homes have been completed. There's construction happening all over Jackson, with three houses going up on one block of Maltby Street. Here's the latest breakdown of the City's race to 100 homes.

  • 15 sold and occupied
  • 15 under construction
  • 3 awaiting constriction
  • 2 buyers ready to select lots
  • 4 spec homes available immediately

This City program is constructing 100 new single-family homes on vacant lots by providing $25,000 in down payment assistance and connecting buyers to home builders.

Learn more about 100 Homes from the City website.