IDT Corporation

12/13/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/13/2024 16:01

Proxy Results Form 8 K

Item 5.07 Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

(a) IDT Corporation's (the "Company's") 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders was held on December 12, 2024 (the "Meeting"). Stockholders voted on the matters set forth below.

(b) (1) A majority of the votes present or represented at the Meeting by the holders of shares entitled to vote on the following matter were voted in connection with the election of each of the Board of Directors nominees named in the Proxy Statement of the Company.

The nominees for election to the Board of Directors were elected, each for a one-year term, based upon the following votes:

Nominee Votes For Votes Against Abstentions Broker Non-Vote % Votes For
Eric F. Cosentino 5,791,594 650,083 2,532 0 89.87
Howard S. Jonas 5,985,126 456,871 2,213 0 92.88
Irwin Katsof 6,429,197 12,581 2,432 0 99.77
Judah Schorr 5,878,381 563,920 1,909 0 91.22
Elaine S. Yatzkan 6,040,814 401,492 1,904 0 93.74

(2) A majority of the votes present or represented at the Meeting by the holders of shares entitled to vote on the following matter were voted in connection with the approval of an advisory vote on the compensation of the Named Executive Officers.

The number of votes cast with respect to this matter was as follows:

Votes For Votes Against Abstentions Broker Non-Vote % Votes For
6,380,504 39,146 24,560 0 99.01

(3) A majority of the votes present or represented at the Meeting by the holders of shares entitled to vote on the following matter were voted in connection with the approval on an advisory vote on the frequency of future advisory votes on the executive compensation of the Named Executive Officers.

The number of votes cast with respect to this matter was as follows:

One Year Two Years Three Years Abstain Broker Non-Vote % Votes For
779,604 6,705 5,573,702 84,198 11 90.89