SEC - The United States Securities and Exchange Commission

07/22/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Contact the Office of Structured Disclosure


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Contact the Office of Structured Disclosure

July 22, 2024

If you have questions or comments relating to the SEC's data structuring for required disclosures (including taxonomies, validation rules, XBRL, structured data feeds, data quality assessments and other topics related to structured data), please contact the Office of Structured Disclosure using the information below.

Note: Topics outside of structured data, such as EDGAR-related issues, rule interpretations, and securities fraud concerns are outside the purview of this Office.

If you would like to report suspected securities fraud or wrongdoing, please use our Tips, Complaints and Referrals System.

E-mail the Office of Structured Disclosure:

[email protected]

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Last Reviewed or Updated: July 24, 2024