Ministry of Defence - Republic of Albania

09/17/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Minister Vengu welcomes U.S. European Command Commander General Christopher G. Cavoli: Gratitude to the U.S. for its support in efforts to modernize the Armed Forces

Minister Vengu welcomes U.S. European Command Commander General Christopher G. Cavoli: Gratitude to the U.S. for its support in efforts to modernize the Armed Forces

Published: Tuesday, 17 September 2024 15:27

Defence Minister Pirro Vengu held a meeting with Supreme Allied Commander Europe and Commander of U.S. Forces in Europe, General Christopher G. Cavoli, along with his delegation.
During the discussions with the high-ranking American military official, Minister Vengu addressed the regional situation, emphasizing NATO's continued strong support in Kosovo and its Euro-Atlantic path, as well as the need for a unified response to destabilizing rhetoric and disinformation campaigns by third-party actors in the region.

Minister Vengu expressed his gratitude to General Cavoli for the vital support that the United States provides daily in the efforts to modernize Albania's Armed Forces and strengthen its human capital.
In this meeting, Minister Vengu also reaffirmed Albania's support for Ukraine, guaranteeing that the country will continue to contribute during these challenging times as an investment in the security of the entire continent.

For his part, General Cavoli commended the efforts made to revitalize Albania's military industry, not only as an economic development tool but also as a sector that will accelerate Albania's capacity for armament and innovation within the Alliance's plans.
A key focus of the meeting was the progress in developing and modernizing port infrastructure in Porto Romano. Minister Vengu and the high-ranking American commander discussed important details of this project, which is a vital part of the regional infrastructure for Corridor VIII, a corridor crucial for security, military mobility, and the supply chains of both the region and the entire Alliance.

Earlier, General Cavoli was welcomed with a ceremony by the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces, Major General Arben Kingji. Major General Kingji briefed General Cavoli on key developments within the Albanian Armed Forces, the country's contributions to NATO-led operations and missions, the review of strategic documents, legal improvements, and modernization projects.