Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources of the Republic of Singapore

09/09/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/09/2024 10:18

Oral Reply to Parliamentary Questions on Food Hygiene Standards

Oral Reply to Parliamentary Questions on Food Hygiene Standards by Dr Koh Poh Koon, Senior Minister of State for Sustainability and the Environment

Mr Lim Wee Kiak: To ask the Minister for Sustainability and the Environment in light of recent reports on mass food poisoning cases (a) what targeted measures are being implemented to enhance food safety standards; and (b) whether the Ministry will review the adequacy of penalties for food hygiene violations, particularly for those that cater food to vulnerable groups like the elderly and children.


  1. The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) sets regulatory requirements, such as on the proper upkeep of premises and the safe handling of food, to maintain a high standard of food hygiene and food safety in Singapore. SFA also works closely with sectoral agencies, such as with the Early Childhood Development Agency for preschools and the Ministry of Health for nursing homes, on guidelines and regulations to protect vulnerable communities against food safety incidents.

  2. SFA adopts a data-driven and risk-based approach to enforce food safety requirements. Food businesses of higher regulatory concern, such as those with track records of past infringements, are subjected to stepped-up surveillance.

  3. During its inspections, SFA enforces against food safety lapses detected and administers a Points Demerit System under which licences may be suspended or cancelled. For severe cases, SFA will prosecute the errant food business. Food businesses implicated in an ongoing foodborne illness outbreak may also have their operations suspended to contain the spread of the outbreak.

  4. SFA regularly reviews its food safety regime to ensure that offences and penalties are adequate and effective to deter violations. A current review is underway as part of the upcoming Food Safety and Security Bill.

  5. Food safety is a joint responsibility. Industry and consumers can also play a part by adopting safe food handling practices and being vigilant with food choices.