17/12/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 17/12/2024 21:16
R 171526Z DEC 24
POC/M. J. COOK/MAJ/UNIT:HD MMPB-10/TEL:(703) 784-1585/
EMAIL:[email protected]//
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. AUTHORITY. Refs (a) through (h) regulate all
Marine Corps officer promotions. This message is the authority for
commanding officers to effect promotions. Per the refs, CMC
(MMPB-10) will not effect an officer's promotion until that
officer's name appears on a promotion MARADMIN or CMC message.
MMPB-10 will mail appropriate commissions to parent commands under
separate cover. Expect 4-6 weeks for delivery. The commission is
not the legal authority to promote and is not required to effect the
promotion. For the purposes of conducting a promotion ceremony,
sample commissions and the oath of office are located in chapter 6
of ref (b) or the Officer Promotions homepage at www.Marines.mil.
Under "Marines/Career," click on "Promotions." Click on "Officer
Promotions," look under the "Reference" tab on the right side of the
2. Under the provisions of section 624 of ref (a) and ref (c), the
Secretary of the Navy, acting for the President of the United
States, hereby authorizes the promotion of the following named
regular officer(s) to the grade indicated. Rank, pay and allowances
are effective from 1 January 2025.
Name Grade MCC
Rico Acosta Col QAR
Peter E. Ankney Col SL3
Douglas P. Bahrns Col NBM
Matthew J. Baumann Col T35
Joseph T. Buffamante Col NA6
Joshua N. Nunn Col NBW
Byron J. Owen Col NBU
Christopher R. Richardella Col NBW
Eric M. Williams Col QAB
Justin M. Wortendyke Col 468
Robert Arellano LtCol 092
Alan J. Bock LtCol 1NF
Dylan R. Buck LtCol V15
Timothy S. Chun LtCol 1C0
Nathan M. Clark LtCol 1F6
Andrew P. Cody LtCol V8E
Mychal A. Creeden LtCol 1GR
Gretchen R. Day LtCol 1EC
Thomas F. Gruber LtCol VM5
William J. Jacob LtCol V13
Oryan J. Lopes LtCol 1EM
James D. McGowan LtCol TRV
Gilmer L. McMillan LtCol 036
Alfonso D. Meidus LtCol J64
Roy F. Miller IV LtCol 1NB
Nathan B. Nelms LtCol VLC
Evan S. Nordstrom LtCol J64
Lindsay M. Pirek LtCol 1C0
Robert W. Viehmeyer LtCol V28
Jon R. Abel Maj 1F6
Oluwatosin T. Adesuyi Maj 007
Joel S. Adrian Maj 1NA
Yahia H. Aldhahraa Maj 1NF
Sean M. Allen Maj 1JV
Austin R. Alverson Maj UKT
Stephen J. Anderson Maj 1G0
Aleksander B. Ans Maj 1F1
William A. Antczak Maj 1NE
Tristan D. Assimos Maj G78
Zachary F. Austin Maj G78
Vance P. Barden Maj 1V3
Taylor G. Barefoot Maj 007
Keith M. Bartlett Maj V61
Donovan R. Bates Maj U18
Philip M. Beckmann Maj V28
Michael T. Benavides Maj VLD
Andrew D. Benton Maj 1GF
Matthew A. Berit Maj QAQ
Shavaughn M. Birks Maj JAH
Erik K. Blankenbaker Maj QAQ
Andrew J. Bloem Maj 1NE
Guillermo M. Bocanegra Maj 1FT
John S. Booth Maj 1C1
Victor R. Bowen, Jr. Maj G71
Mark A. Bozzo Maj 078
Luke N. Bradley Maj 1V1
Blake S. Brennan Maj H99
Keon M. Briscoe Maj H99
Justin L. Broussard Maj 1Y2
William T. Bussick Maj VMJ
Marques D. Butler Maj L18
Guirong Cai Maj G91
Desmond L. Calloway Maj 1Y1
Jamal M. Campbell Maj 1NA
Anthony M. Capasso Maj 016
Joseph H. Carey Maj VMD
Andrew B. Carlson Maj V22
Brett D. Carlson Maj G78
Luke Carpenter III Maj 029
Lonnie W. Carraway, Jr. Maj 1MY
Matthew G. Caspers Maj 1NF
Joseph D. Castro Maj G78
Christopher P. Cawthon Maj S3F
Marcus V. Cerrato Maj 080
Tyler S. Cerrato Maj V24
Alexander A. Chatman III Maj 044
Allyn D. Chavis Maj 078
Brian P. Childress Maj TRG
Steven D. Clark Maj TRQ
Ross T. Clouse Maj 1T3
Peter C. Coke, Jr. Maj 1G0
Maketa R. Colbert Maj J33
Joshua W. Colcombe Maj 1GS
Louis R. Collins II Maj V15
Holden J. Coon Maj 1RA
Jeremy R. Coquoz Maj S4G
Marcotulio Cotochang Maj 15X
Andrew T. Curry Maj 023
Cvetomir V. Cvetkov Maj 1GA
Stephanie L. Davis Maj 143
Cory M. Deaton Maj 15L
Connor B. Deignan Maj VHA
Leah R. Deignan Maj 143
Jennifer Delaney Maj 152
Aaron M. DelBosque Maj 1G7
Jessica J. DelCastillo Maj KAF
Paul J. Denison Maj 1W6
Matthew P. DesRochers Maj VLB
Sean M. Dolan Maj S3C
Lydia L. Done Maj 165
Daniel M. Donlon Maj 1ES
Matthew W. Dore Maj S7F
Brett E. DornhegeLazaroff Maj 1FU
Dusti M. Doss Maj 017
Joshua A. Dowers Maj 1NP
Sean A. Doyle Maj 1V2
Jordan R. Duncan Maj 1CE
Molly M. Dundon Maj 1WX
Matthew J. Duquette Maj 124
Patrick L. Earnest Maj TR3
Ammon C. Ebert Maj VMJ
Donald R. Edwards, Jr. Maj 1F5
Mark P. Elliott Maj 1GR
Brant A. Esprit Maj V37
Amber E. Evans Maj 1F7
Brendan P. Evans Maj K46
Jeffrey T. Evans Maj 087
Michael A. Farnan Maj U49
John T. Findley Maj 1A5
Sean P. Finn Maj V34
Amber R. Foster Maj 1F1
Thomas L. Franklin Maj G78
Brian M. Frick Maj VF3
Ryan W. Fronczek Maj UCL
Bryce A. Fronstin Maj 1TC
Melton B. Fullerton Maj 145
Casey G. Funk Maj V18
Kristen R. Gabel Maj 1YE
Marie J. Gaby Maj 036
Mackenzie K. Gage Maj 1F6
Travis L. Gale Maj QDC
Rio S. Gallegos Maj 139
Steven E. Garrett Maj 1EH
Ryan P. Garvey Maj G71
Jacoby D. Getty Maj 086
Charles F. Giles Maj 1VG
Erica M. Gober Maj TSR
Albert T. Gonzalez Maj 1CG
Parker J. Grace Maj 1C1
Larry P. Guerrero Maj 145
Evan M. Gumbel Maj S3F
Christine E. Hadfield Maj VRA
Kyle R. Hales Maj 086
Greg A. Hall II Maj TSR
Zachary J. Harth Maj 1MS
Nicholas A. Hartmann Maj 1F7
David Hasegan Maj G76
Kale E. Heckerson Maj 1V2
Ryan T. Hedgcorth Maj TSR
Jacob E. Hender Maj H99
Joshua K. Henderson Maj T0F
Jonathan Hernandez Maj 036
Alejandro HernandezCandelario Maj 1QE
Dale M. Higgins Maj 1T5
Bruce W. Hilty Maj 1F1
Nicholas J. Hoeksema Maj V37
Steven P. Hoffman Maj H96
Adam C. Hogan Maj G78
Michael J. Hogan Maj 15L
Craig E. Hollensbe Maj 1A5
David N. Holvey Maj 1MU
William T. Horn Maj 1TV
Raymond M. Horning Maj R00
Vicente L. Huerta Maj 1FR
Tyler J. Husar Maj U33
Jerry B. Hymas Maj JAH
Cody R. Iszler Maj VLA
Rogelio Jasso Maj 069
Jared M. Jefferson Maj TTW
John Jensen Maj 077
Karen E. Jensen Maj 012
Colby R. Jerden Maj 1T5
Benjamin W. Jerome Maj 1GR
William T. Jewell Maj 15E
Asher M. Johnson Maj S6F
Charles L. Johnson Maj 097
Emilee N. Johnson Maj VMH
Emily L. Johnson Maj 1C1
James M. Jones Maj QAP
Gene S. Jung Maj 1GE
Timothy B. Kao Maj 082
Nicholas C. Kastilahn Maj 142
Kevin P. Kayser Maj 1CK
Daniel M. Kearney Maj 1T9
Samuel M. Keenan Maj 114
Jonathan J. Kelly Maj 077
James M. Kenny Maj 1NE
Adam J. Kersten Maj 1V2
Roger S. Kerstetter Maj V13
Donald A. Kidd, Jr. Maj 283
Matthew T. Kiefer Maj 15A
Shane J. Kim Maj 1FU
Jarrett P. King Maj H99
David L. Kiyabo Maj 902
Brandon J. Klewicki Maj 122
Dylan A. Kowal Maj H99
Anton J. Kraft, Jr. Maj 1QE
Kaylyn E. Krzemien Maj 016
Erick Lallemand Maj QAE
Joshua A. LaManna Maj SG3
William A. LaPonza III Maj 121
Paulemerso R. Lara Maj 1JF
James B. Larkin Maj K44
Jeffrey A. Lawrence Maj 142
Janet J. Lee Maj 115
Stephen M. Lennon Maj H99
Marcus A. Lewis Maj TMG
Stefan J. Lichtfuss Maj 1QE
Erik A. Lindskog Maj V15
Matthew J. Lord Maj 1NF
Joseph A. Love Maj 1CE
Bryan C. Luther Maj VR1
Keith A. MacDonald Maj 193
Kelly R. MacKenzie Maj A00
Steven M. Maire Maj VLD
Jeffrey T. Majka Maj 1MS
Craig M. Marchiafava Maj G71
Carlos D. Mariscal Maj G78
Benjamin R. Marsh Maj 052
Marc S. Martinez Maj V34
Tanner C. Mayberry Maj 1TC
William J. McCabe Maj H99
John A. McClinton Maj H99
Michael W. McDonald Maj B99
Matthew C. McEldowney Maj G78
Andrew E. McMillan Maj S4G
Justin R. McNeely Maj 070
Christopher L. McNeil Maj 1F1
Dwight A. McPherson Maj 013
Brendan R. McQuilkin Maj 1F6
Benjamin S. Meads Maj 011
John H. Mensch Maj 1F4
Simon P. Miller Maj 040
Ashley S. Milligan Maj UHE
Walker D. Mills Maj 1J3
Zachery L. Mills Maj V61
Melanie J. Molano Maj 1DX
Joseph D. Morales Maj G78
Mylen M. Morales Maj 124
Jhonathan J. MoralesNajera Maj JVD
Kevin C. Moriarty Maj 1R3
Jason T. Motycka Maj 1HN
Brendan P. Mulcahy Maj 143
Timothy J. Mullins Maj 036
Robert M. Myers II Maj G78
Carlin P. Myrick Maj 080
Abigail E. Nagel Maj 1YB
Justin L. Nole Maj G78
Jennifer Norena Maj 013
Louise M. Nowak Maj G78
Connor B. OBerrick Maj 1JE
Alexander M. OBremski Maj 1GD
Gage M. OConnell Maj U43
Brian E. Oden Maj 1V3
Jose M. Ortiz Maj QAR
Erik A. Ostermann Maj MCK
Cecil Otieno Maj 1G8
Hipolito Ozuna Maj 1XC
Daniel J. Page Maj S6F
James E. Paradise Maj 1PF
Abraham H. Park Maj J62
Gregory R. Patton Maj 1J0
Grant D. Penney Maj 1Y1
Adam M. Penquite Maj S8F
Kristopher A. Penton Maj 174
Dillon R. Perera Maj 1TC
Andrew D. Perkins Maj G78
Trevor W. Perkins Maj 066
Christian J. Peterson Maj 1CH
Sean M. Peterson Maj 092
James V. Pham Maj 1CE
Brandon J. Phillips Maj G78
Nathan S. Piatt Maj 1TC
Edward J. Pingel Maj 1EP
Kyle W. Pingrey Maj 15C
Steven C. Piper Maj 1T5
Nicole M. Plymale Maj 016
Zachary C. Polson Maj V24
Joshua L. Price Maj SIJ
Graham H. Pugh Maj T12
Matthew K. Rainer Maj 1MR
Abraham Ramos Maj 121
Nico G. Ramos Maj 1R3
Colton L. Rasche Maj H99
Joshua L. Raymond Maj G78
Trevor O. Raymond Maj QAJ
Jordan M. Rector Maj 1JY
John G. Rees Maj V34
Patrick L. Reilly Maj 007
Meghan M. Reinwald Maj 1XA
Brett M. Renfroe Maj TRN
Joshua L. Rothfeld Maj 1YB
Ellis J. Rowe Maj 1G8
Jose R. Ruiz, Jr. Maj G78
Juan C. RuizVillegas Maj K44
Joseph E. Ruth Maj V82
Jason T. Sander Maj 1QN
Anirudh Sarsam Maj VF4
David R. Saxon Maj 1JC
Nicholas A. Schichler Maj VM3
Robert A. Schillaci Maj VMC
Barney R. Schmidtke Maj QAP
Frederick J. Schmitt Maj HC5
John E. Schneider Maj 1HK
Steven A. Schwartz Maj T0F
Thomas J. Schwerdtfeger Maj U39
Kalan M. Scott Maj 1ER
Jade S. Seabrook Maj 1ER
Troy M. Searcy Maj 1PF
Joshua J. Shake Maj 1J3
Keil R. Silva Maj S3F
Michael S. Simasek Maj VHD
Sheldonia C. Simmers Maj 142
Elizabeth A. Sinclair Maj 1FR
Alan W. Smith Maj 040
Melissa D. Snyder Maj 023
Timothy R. Snyder Maj VFE
Nikolas A. Solana Maj 1T3
Matthew T. Sommers Maj 124
Graham A. SouletteMcLean Maj 127
Michael J. Spain Maj 1A5
Christopher A. Spencer Maj 1CF
Jonathan R. Stack Maj G78
Barton W. Starkey Maj KES
Evan W. Staton Maj UFL
Michael J. Stawick Maj 1A5
Christopher B. Stebbins Maj 1T9
Louis D. Steinhaus Maj 1NA
Mackenzie D. Stewart Maj 029
Christopher A. Streicher Maj V8B
Ian M. Stringer Maj S3C
Brennan W. Strobel Maj 070
Sam R. Stromswold Maj G71
Sean M. Sullivan Maj H99
Austin L. Swink Maj 034
Jefferson S. Talicuran Maj 1G7
William P. Taylor Maj 1CK
Andrew T. Teijen Maj VM6
Jonathan A. TejadaUrena Maj J66
Jabari A. Thomas Maj 138
Andrew R. Thompson Maj 1MR
Ian T. Thorpe Maj 1J1
Zachary W. Tkach Maj U51
Hiram D. Tosco Maj 1RA
Nicolas A. Towers Maj T12
Christopher L. VanDeweerd Maj 036
Jason M. Vines Maj 114
Alexander J. Vitanza Maj 1NK
Lucas R. Walters Maj 142
Daniel H. Wang Maj 1JQ
Karl J. Watje Maj J38
Paul R. Watson Maj V34
William M. Watson Maj V12
Collin R. Wheeler Maj H99
Jonathan M. Wheeler Maj VHA
Katherine A. White Maj 142
Thomas N. Wilcox Maj 077
Brian J. Wilkins Maj V32
John M. Wilkins Maj VLC
Justin T. Williamson Maj 1CC
Cedric L. Wilson Maj TCJ
William M. Wine Maj 1DX
Phillip A. Wood Maj 1HL
Wesley A. Wood Maj 122
Taylor V. WulffMorrison Maj 068
Joseph M. Yanuzzi Maj 122
Kenneth C. Yonker Maj JAL
Jonathan S. Yoo Maj 1YB
Isaac K. Yuen Maj UCG
Hailey D. Ziegler Maj 1T5
Maxwell W. Alander Capt 1Y8
James A. Anders III Capt 041
William E. Anderson Capt V34
Andrew V. Beam Capt V27
Bennett W. Becker Capt 1JG
Cory B. Bianco Capt KA7
Kennedy R. Blanchard Capt 1EP
Joseph M. Bobay Capt H99
William C. Brown Capt KA7
Anthony J. Bruner Capt J9V
Margaret H. Carpenter Capt K71
Eduardo A. Chavez Capt K73
August L. Cocchiarella Capt V34
Aidan R. Connly Capt 19G
Robert L. Cooke Capt 165
Connor A. Cozad Capt V21
John A. Crabtree Capt KA7
Jose D. Cruz Capt 1QR
Joshua K. DelSignore Capt V21
Robert C. DeRonda Capt 1C1
Alberto J. Diaz Capt 1XJ
Joseph A. Dupars, Jr. Capt V34
Cameron W. Edwards Capt 012
Alan J. Fang Capt 442
Parker D. Feiring Capt 1PM
Draven J. Fisher Capt R30
Mitchell G. Fleming Capt 078
Connor J. Foarde Capt 1F6
Connor J. Foley Capt J9V
Jonathan M. Frink Capt H99
Nicholas S. Fuhrmann Capt 1YE
Gavinn J. Gathers Capt 1HM
David K. Gulsrud Capt V34
Mack A. Hall, Jr. Capt 1CG
Sterling T. Hampe Capt V13
Stephen D. Harrison Capt 956
Karl V. Hirt Capt 1GS
Kyle M. Hnatovic Capt 1V2
Jackson D. Howatt Capt 1L2
Tyler J. Howell Capt 121
Abigail G. Hughes Capt KAD
Steven M. Hunt Capt 1NF
Eugene D. Ibanez Capt 1V3
Sumer N. Johnson Capt HC6
Harrison F. Kendrick Capt 124
Dillon G. Kennedy Capt KAT
Evan H. King Capt V18
Evan J. Landau Capt 1NG
Mark E. Leonard Capt 1PR
Jose F. LiquiAcebal Capt 233
Morgan C. Long Capt 928
Preston M. Lopez Capt V35
Nicholas A. Markferding Capt VLC
James W. Marshall, Jr. Capt 15G
Lane R. McClellan Capt J18
Brook M. McCluskey Capt 1NF
Ryan J. McCray Capt K73
John S. McGunigle Capt 1NA
Stephen J. McKerihan Capt J9V
Sean M. McSpirit Capt K20
Nathaniel A. Melvin Capt 078
Joseph A. MembrenoMendoza Capt 970
Christopher S. Miller Capt 1A5
Mason S. Millsap Capt 110
Sean N. Moheit Capt 1NG
Michael J. Morris Capt KA7
Ethan Morrison Capt V34
John C. Murdock, Jr. Capt UKT
David P. Murphy Capt 122
Jarett M. Nelson Capt 1YB
Andrew M. Nielsen Capt KBM
Cody S. Nipper Capt 198
Jennifer M. Norman Capt 1WX
Jakob T. Pagel Capt 160
Garrett W. Pearson Capt V14
Joseph T. Peer Capt 040
Mark J. Podowski Capt V14
Jonathan R. Reid Capt 175
Gabriel J. Ruiz Capt 1UR
Nicholas J. Ruud Capt 1JZ
Austin N. Schweyen Capt 146
Clayton A. Scott Capt A80
Kivanne Y. SerranoRotger Capt G91
Edward W. Smith, Jr. Capt 1GT
Patrick F. Stanford Capt 143
Devin R. Stauffer Capt 1V3
Brandon N. Steffens Capt VRA
Matthew J. Stevenson Capt 146
Samuel D. Stone Capt 19F
Zachary E. Toney Capt 078
David B. Tornell Capt 1L1
Morgan L. Tracy Capt 1R3
Jonathan G. Truba Capt 1JJ
Alan J. VanDermaas Capt V15
Colton W. Weeks Capt 1V2
Alyssa H. Welch Capt 1J8
Stephen E. Wulff Capt KA7
Daneyom F. Yohannes Capt K71
Joshua E. Zabin Capt 077
Juan M. Zamarripa Capt 1Y2
3. Under the provisions of section 14308 of ref (a), the Secretary
of the Navy, acting for the President of the United States, hereby
authorizes the promotion of the following named reserve officer(s)
to the grade indicated. Rank, pay, and allowances are effective
from 1 January 2025.
Name Grade MCC
Milinda J. Benitez Col 01B
Bryon J. Edwards Col 091
Thomas D. Stapleton III Col 094
Corey D. Aubel LtCol D35
Christopher N. Burton LtCol SVQ
Justine M. Davie LtCol U98
Steven A. Dixon LtCol S6E
David A. Goodman LtCol 1GH
Ryan C. Grant LtCol 1FY
Graham D. Hill LtCol S2C
Christopher S. Karwacki LtCol SAN
Ryan R. Kinder LtCol 995
Daniel M. Majtan LtCol 145
Jesse R. McGough LtCol S3C
Mark W. McKinley, Jr. LtCol RS5
Mark J. Mehrer LtCol 026
Hamid R. Mortazavi LtCol RS4
Aaron N. Remocaldo LtCol RS2
Kevin W. Sladek LtCol S6F
William G. Smith LtCol SVP
Shane J. Vigil LtCol S6F
Joshua J. Wall LtCol S6F
Hyunhak Yim LtCol RS4
Jamie L. Albonetti Maj S3B
Kelsey B. Baker Maj IRR
Patrick R. Byrne Maj IRR
Christian D. Castilla Maj SK9
Joon M. Choi Maj SR2
John T. Christenson Maj IRR
Ray M. Clapp III Maj SJ6
Melissa K. Cooling Maj SAN
Clifford J. Foreman Maj IRR
Erin H. Higgs Maj IRR
Gary D. McLean, Jr. Maj 110
Steven M. Pace Maj SVP
Jose D. PerezFerrer Maj T30
Justin C. Platis Maj TMG
Daniel B. Rasmusson Maj IRR
Jacob A. Reeder Maj IRR
Christopher I. Root Maj S11
Oliver M. Stephanz Maj IRR
Jacob Tadros Maj IRR
Samuel D. Taylor Maj IRR
Lucas A. Thornburg Maj S54
Hunter B. Trotman Maj S8F
Andrew J. Van Maj SAN
Justin R. Villanueva Maj RS4
Cody J. Bolen Capt S3A
Robert H. Booker Capt IRR
Paul B. Burns Capt IRR
Owen F. Comer Capt IRR
Rebecca M. Coppa Capt IRR
Shannon S. Davis Capt IRR
Jared J. Fekete Capt IRR
Enrique Flores III Capt SJ6
Dakota A. FortunaChun Capt SA5
Nathanael J. Gockenbach Capt IRR
Grace A. Hennessey Capt IRR
Jessica Ho Capt IRR
Bruce R. Jansa Capt IRR
Martin J. Kennedy Capt IRR
Logan D. Longwell Capt IRR
Kenneth A. Melville Capt IRR
Shawn R. OMalley Capt IRR
Javier E. Ortiz Capt IRR
Eugene T. Ozobia Capt IRR
Roger G. Quiroga Capt SNG
Christian M. Scappin Capt IRR
James T. Skala Capt IRR4. Under the
provisions of section 578 of ref (a) and ref (c), the
Secretary of the Navy, acting for the President of the United
States, hereby authorizes the promotion of the following named
regular officer(s) as indicated, to the permanent grade of Chief
Warrant Officer Five (CWO5) through Chief Warrant Officer Three
(CWO3). Rank, pay, and allowances are effective from 1 January
Name Grade MCC
Joseph H. Banks CWO5 QBN
David R. Gibson III CWO4 026
Logan J. Senf CWO4 15A
Ernesto Rodriguez, Jr. CWO3 275
5. Delay of Promotion
5.a. Commanding Officer Determination. Per refs (b) and (h), if the
respective commanding officer determines that an officer is not
mentally, physically, morally, or professionally qualified for
promotion, the promotion shall not be effected. This includes the
physical examination requirement for reserve officers per section
10206 of ref (a). Ref (a) requires written notification to the
officer of the grounds for delay before the effective date of the
appointment, unless it is impracticable to do so, in which case the
notice shall be given as soon as practicable. Commanding Officers
must also notify CMC (MMPB-10) prior to the effective date of the
appointment so that the promotion is not effected in Marine Corps
Total Force System (MCTFS) and to allow for the initiation of
administrative action. Refs (a), (b), (c), and (e) contain
guidelines for the timely submission of supporting documentation.
5.b. Adverse Screening Process. Before the release of this
promotion authority, all officers were screened for adverse or
potentially adverse information. If applicable, CMC (MMPB-10)
removed the names of those officers with records identified during
the adverse screening process as containing adverse or potentially
adverse information from the promotion authority MARADMIN. Those
officers will receive correspondence under separate cover from CMC
6. Retirement and Transfer. Officers considering voluntary
retirement should review ref (d) for service obligation prior to
acceptance of promotion. An officer's selection for promotion
carries over into the reserve, between AR and SMCR-IRR, and with
augmentation into the regular component.
7. Accepting and Declining Promotion. Any regular or reserve
officer who is promoted under the refs is considered to have
accepted such promotion on the effective date contained in
paragraphs 2 through 4 (for purposes of date of rank, pay, and
allowances in the grade to which promoted). To decline a promotion,
an officer is required to submit a letter of declination to CMC
(MMPB-10) expressly at the time their command notifies them of their
promotion and directs that they begin wearing the insignia of the
next higher grade. Any statement or action by the officer which
signals their acceptance of the promotion, forever waives their
right to decline.
8. The following FY24 promotions are projected for February 2025
and are subject to change. Promotions from the remaining FY24
boards will be promulgated based on vacancy determination and senate
Senior Officer Sel Junior Officer Sel
MOS: 0160 list cleared list cleared
MOS: 0160 list cleared list cleared
MOS: 2120 R. M. Collins 2 R. M. Collins 2
MOS: 6502 list cleared list cleared
MOS: 5804 V. Keo 3 V. Keo 3
9. The following FY25 promotions are projected for February 2025
and are subject to change. Promotions from the remaining FY25
boards will be promulgated based on vacancy determination and senate
Senior Officer Sel Junior Officer Sel
Col (R) A. J. Kingsbury 13 J. R. Yauck 15
LtCol (LDO) none none none none
LtCol (AR) D. M. ONeal 23 D. M. ONeal 23
LtCol (R) C. F. Carter 81 A. J. McClure 100
Maj (AR) none none none none
Maj (R) S. H. Bauckham 189 V. A. Battaglia 217
Capt N. S. Ward 1164 M. P. Hodge 1278
Capt (R) C. S. Ceron 61 N. J. Barr 75
10. The following FY26 promotions are projected for February 2025
and are subject to change. Promotions from the remaining FY26
boards will be promulgated based on vacancy determination and senate
Senior Officer Sel Junior Officer Sel
Col D. A. Filipe 67 T. J. Stona 72
LtCol B. A. Wiedower 90 J. A. Hernandez 103
Maj S. J. Johns 350 J. K. Bender 379
11. For Marine officer promotion matters call Comm (703)784-1585 or
DSN 278-1585. Email inquiries may be submitted via the Officer
Promotions homepage at www.Marines.mil. Email address is
[email protected].
12. Release authorized by MajGen Ryan S. Rideout, Director,
Manpower Management Division.//