DCCC - Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

31/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 31/07/2024 22:02

Zach Nunn’s Project 2025 Will Shutter Schools, Fire Teachers, And Hurt Families

By backing Project 2025 supporters, Nunn is embracing their far-right agenda

Zach Nunn's Project 2025 is an extreme manifesto that would have far-reaching consequences for Iowa's schools, students, workers, and families.

Project 2025 would severely hurt working families and our education system by:

Nunn has already been pushing this agenda, voting for precursors to Iowa's deeply unpopular school voucher program, agreeing with calls to abolish the Department of Education, and voting to cut funding for Head Start - twice.

READ MORE: This week, the DCCC released a memo on how House Republicans have already embraced Project 2025 extremism in Congress.

DCCC Spokesperson Mallory Payne:
"When we invest in our teachers and education system, we invest in families and in Iowa's future - Zach Nunn wants to take that future away from Iowans. His heartless extremism will cost him in November."