Narodna Skupstina Republike Srbije

10/25/2024 | Press release | Archived content

PFG with US Meets with US Ambassador to Serbia

The members of the Parliamentary Friendship Group with the United States of America, headed by Milovan Drecun, today hosted the Ambassador of the United States of America to the Republic of Serbia Christopher Hill and delegation.

At the beginning of the meeting, Drecun said he was very pleased with the first meeting of the current legislature's PFG and the US Ambassador, expressing hope that the two sides will continue to maintain dialogue, and that Serbia attaches special importance to its relations with the United States of America. "Partnership with the USA is of vital interest for our people and our country, and judging by the statements of our and American officials, that partnership takes on a strategic framework," said the Head of the PFG. He said that his goal was for the embassy and PFG to contribute to the development of relations between the two countries through cooperation, primarily through meetings between parliamentarians, and that communication between the two parliaments should be one of the pillars of the strategic partnership. "It seems to me that despite the developed and historic diplomatic relations, there is still misunderstanding and stereotypes in the public on both sides and that is why it is vital that we talk as often as possible, broach important topics and get to know each other better". He also said that the economic cooperation between Serbia and the US is on the rise and that 30,000 Serbian citizens work in American companies operating in our country. Drecun proposed an initiative to the Ambassador that would entail opening a memorial room for Operation Halyard, saying that there are over 2,000 photographs that are not known to the public, which testify to this event, and that he knows that the US Army characterises this operation as one of the bravest pilot rescue operations in the Second World War.

Drecun used the opportunity to talk with the Ambassador about our Autonomous Province of Kosovo-Metohija, saying that although the US had recognised the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, he believes that this move is not a stabilisation factor in the region, as evidenced by the daily attacks on the Serbian population in Kosovo-Metohija. "I would like to explain to you our position in Kosovo-Metohija. We are absolutely determined to resolve the issue of our province in a peaceful and political way, everything else is misinformation. Pristina is conducting a hybrid operation with an attempt to accuse Belgrade of destructive activities, destabilising and aggressive intentions. What is a priority for us is the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, because we need that institutional mechanism, which Pristina would recognise, so that the Serbian people can survive and be equal with the citizens of Albanian nationality," said Drecun. He added that the Serbian people in Kosovo-Metohija have been degraded and that the institutions temporarily functioning in this area treat Serbs as second-class citizens. He underlined that stopping the terror against the Serbs, especially in the north of Kosovo, is an urgent issue, and that the emigration of 15% of the Serbian population from this territory after Albin Kurti came to power for the second time, is a warning sign. He said that this trend could continue and that Serbia expects the support of the USA in this matter. "The degree of human rights of the Serbian population in Kosovo-Metohija is extremely low, if it exists at all," Drecun pointed out, drawing attention to the fact that the creation of the so-called Kosovo Army represents another factor endangering the Serbs. He also expressed concern about the intention of the Pristina side, which wants to place this military formation in the very north of Kosovo-Metohija, along the administrative line, and thus enable the spillover of destabilising activities towards the south of Central Serbia. Drecun concluded this topic with the opinion that the proposal for a Franco-German agreement is not neutral, unlike the status-neutral talks that are conducted in the Brussels dialogue.

The Head of the PFG also spoke about parliamentary cooperation and pointed out that the Serbian caucus, which had 30 members in the United States Congress in 2004, now has only sixteen members. He said that the task of the Group is to change this trend, with the support of the American Embassy, in order to clarify and resolve unclarities and stereotypes about our people.

He expressed his satisfaction with the cooperation between Serbia and America in the field of defence, the good relations with the Ohio National Guard and asked the Ambassador to convey the message to the American congressmen that Serbia is committed to peace and determined that the relations between the two countries develop in a friendly environment. He said that in the coming period, he would organise PFG public hearings and invited the Ambassador to attend and contribute to this cooperation.

The Ambassador thanked the PFG members for the open and honest conversation, adding that even though the two countries do not share the same views on some issues, it does not mean that the two countries cannot be friendly. He said that Serbia and the US have more similarities than differences and that the two countries should focus on areas of mutual interest. He expressed his belief that Serbia and America can do a lot for each other through joint action and that they should not allow different positions on some issues to prevent them from doing so. He agreed with the hosts that communication is key for strategic partnership and basis for mutual understanding and respect, adding that parliaments represent a very important factor in this. He said that as soon as the presidential elections in the US are over, he will get in touch with the US congressmen and senators to propose meetings and contacts. Hill also expressed satisfaction with the good ties in the field of defence and added that the US also wants peace, both in Europe and in the world. The Ambassador pointed out that America strongly supports the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, as well as the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities, and that they vigorously oppose the blockade of Serbian goods by Pristina. He thanked the PFG for the proposal to establish the memorial room for Operation Halyard and added that it is of great importance that the citizens of both countries are aware of Serbia and the USA's shared history. He stressed that the two countries can do much more in the field of economic cooperation and that the task of both sides is not only to look at the past, but also to build the present and create new history.

The members of the PFG and the Ambassador discussed various types of cooperation, cultural exchange and connection between the two nations. The reforms of the electoral process in Serbia were also discussed, and Ambassador Hill applauded National Assembly Speaker Ana Brnabic, for her commitment to this process.

PFG members Djordje Stankovic, Ana Jakovljevic, Aleksandar Djukic, Radoslav Milojicic, Natalija Stojmenovic, Stasa Stojanovic, Olja Petrovic, Milos Gnjidic, Zoran Dragisic, Branislav Josifovic, Marko Milosevic, Branko Vujkovic, Vladimir Djordjevic, Ugljesa Mrdic, Slobodan Petrovic, Ivan Rajicic, Ana Erakovic, Miroslav Petrasinovic, Ana Miljanic, Goran Spasojevic and Slavica Radovanovic also took part in the conversation.