Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council

06/28/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/28/2024 08:05

Be part of the solution to plastic pollution

Be part of the solution to plastic pollution

by Cathy SheelJune 28, 2024
June 28, 2024

Knowsley Council is supporting Plastic Free July - an event aimed at encouraging people to reduce plastic waste by not using single use plastic.

Created by the Plastic Free Foundation the annual event reminds us that choosing to refuse single use plastics and replacing them with more environmentally-friendly alternatives can make a big difference to our environment and the oceans.

In the last five years worldwide support for Plastic Free July has resulted in those taking part avoiding 10 billion kg of waste, which includes 1.4 billion kg of plastic.

Plastic Facts - did you know?

What a waste: The latest Big Plastic Count survey by Greenpeace and Everyday Plastic this year revealed that UK households throw out 1.7 billion pieces of plastic every week. Of this, a whopping 58% is incinerated - creating harmful emissions which pollute the air we breathe.

Plastic is not biodegradeable: Most plastics don't rot, so they pollute the environment and take hundreds of years to decompose. Each year, 400 million tonnes of plastic is produced and 40% of that is single-use - plastic we'll only use once before it's binned.

How to go plastic free in July - and all year round

Being part of Plastic Free July could help you to find great alternatives that can become habits for life. Research shows that 87% of those taking part have made at least one lasting change.

Check your Plastic Footprint - Take a look at where you most use single-use plastics, such as grocery bags, coffee cups, or food packaging. This will help you determine where changes can be made.

Plastic Free July includes International Plastic Bag Free Day, Wed 3 July - When out shopping make sure to bring your own reusable bags.

Make a Pledge - Take the Plastic-Free July challenge by making a personal commitment to reduce your plastic consumption for the entire month of July and beyond. Identify some achievable changes, like buying loose veg and fruit, carrying a reusable water bottle or opting for cloth bags instead of plastic ones.

Go for Reusable Alternatives - Swap disposable plastic items for reusable alternatives whenever possible. Try reusable to-go cutlery and straws, bring your own shopping bags, and opt for reusable takeout containers. Many coffee shops even offer a discount if you bring your own reusable cup! Use more reusable products such as glass jars, metal utensils, and use metal tin lunch boxes and containers for storage.

Support your local and sustainable businesses - During Plastic-Free July, support businesses that prioritise sustainability. Switch to plastic-free beauty brands. Shop at farmers' markets and zero-waste stores, and use brands that offer plastic-free shipping.

Spread the Word - Use social media to encourage your friends, family, and colleagues to share your Plastic-Free July journey by using the hashtag #plasticfreejuly. Help encourage others to join the movement and inspire them with your commitment to reducing plastic waste.

Remember the three R's - reduce, reuse and recycle + choose to refuse plastic!

Learn more about Plastic Free July and how you can get involved. You can also find out more by visiting: Single-use Plastic | Keep Britain Tidy

GreenSeas Trust - Stopping plastics entering the sea
