Georgia Department of Transportation

12/16/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/16/2024 15:56

Butts County: GDOT street closures in the area of State Route 36 for new 2 lane connector road

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For Immediate Release:
Monday, Dec 16, 2024
Contact: Gina Snider 706.646.7532
District Three Communications Officer

Butts County...
City Street Closures on State Route 36 ahead for construction today

Butts County will see city street closures on State Route 36 for construction today. GDOT will close Hancock Street from SR 36 to Mulberry St., College Street from SR 16 to 3rd St., Gym St., and Park Ave, and Gym St. from College St. School traffic can access facilities from Franklin St. Businesses and residents along these streets will have access, with detour signage provided.

Access will be provided for all businesses and residents along these closed streets. Onsite Detour signage will be provided to notify the public of the detour routes for each of the closed streets.

This project consists of the construction of a new 2-lane connector roadway on SR 36 beginning at Brownlee Road and continuing on new location to the Covington Street and East 3rd Street intersection. This would realign north-south traffic along SR 36 to the east of its current location for trucks and avoid the two 90 degree turns now required in downtown Jackson to navigate SR 36.

ADVISORY: Dates may change due to weather or other factors. Motorists are advised to expect delays, exercise caution, and reduce their speed while traveling through work zones. Before heading out, get real-time information on work status and traffic conditions. Call 511, visit, or download the Georgia 511 app.


Georgia Department of Transportation plans, constructs and maintains Georgia's state and federal highways. We're involved in bridge, waterway, public transit, rail, general aviation, bike and pedestrian programs. And we help local governments maintain their roads. Georgia DOT and its nearly 4,000 employees are committed to delivering a transportation system focused on innovation, safety, sustainability and mobility. The Department's vision is to boost Georgia's competitiveness through leadership in transportation.

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