WHO - World Health Organization Regional Office for Eastern Mediterranean

09/26/2024 | Press release | Archived content

World Heart Day - 29 September 2024: campaigning for cardiovascular health

World Heart Day - 29 September 2024: campaigning for cardiovascular health

26 September 2024, Cairo, Egypt - On World Heart Day 2024, the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean joins the global movement campaigning under the banner 'Use Heart for Action' to empower individuals to take responsibility for their heart health and advocate for stronger national cardiovascular health action plans.

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) remain the leading cause of death globally. In the Eastern Mediterranean Region an estimated 38% of the population - equivalent to 258 million people - live with hypertension, a major risk factor for heart disease, and half of all cardiovascular related deaths occur before the age of 70, highlighting the need for effective prevention and early management.

Despite this significant burden, only 50% of Member States in the Region have evidence-based national guidelines, protocols or standards for the management of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) through a primary health care approach. There is a pressing need for strong political will and commitment to ensure CVD policies are developed and implemented. Without dedicated leadership and the resolve to prioritize cardiovascular health, it will be difficult to enact the changes necessary to protect lives and reduce premature deaths from CVDs.

Together with the World Heart Federation, WHO is urging governments, decision-makers and the broader health community to unite in prioritizing cardiovascular health. Early diagnosis, effective treatment and prevention are crucial to reducing the burden of heart disease. By promoting strong health policies and empowering individuals to monitor their heart health, embrace healthier lifestyles, and seek timely care, we can save lives and enhance the quality of life for millions worldwide.

Join the campaign

Be part of the solution. Sign World Hearts Federation's global petition to strengthen national cardiovascular health action plans and support the global call for action. Together, we can ensure that heart health is given the attention it deserves by:

establishing/strengthening national programmes that address key risk factors;

implementing best management practices;

ensuring health care workers receive appropriate training;

investing in robust data systems for better prevention and control; and

supporting the 2025 United Nations High-level Meeting on NCDs and calling for a bold political declaration that position cardiovascular health at the heart of NCD prevention.

Together, we can make a difference and help protect the heart health of communities across the Eastern Mediterranean Region.