U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

07/22/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/22/2024 08:53

What They Are Saying: WRDA Water Resources and Environment

What They Are Saying: WRDA

T&I Members and Stakeholders Voice Support for Water Resources Development Act of 2024

Washington, D.C., July 22, 2024 | Justin Harclerode (202) 225-9446
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As the U.S. House of Representatives today prepares to consider H.R. 8812, the Water Resources Development Act of 2024 (WRDA), Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Members and water resources stakeholders alike are urging the passage of this bipartisan legislation that authorizes the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Civil Works Program for projects to improve the nation's ports and harbors, inland waterway navigation, flood and storm protection, and other aspects of our water resources infrastructure.

WRDA authorizes locally-driven projects that also deliver regional and national benefits for strengthening the nation's global competitiveness and supply chain, growing the economy, moving goods throughout the country, protecting communities from flooding, and more.

The bill was introduced in the House by Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Sam Graves (R-MO), Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Ranking Member Rick Larsen (D-WA), Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee Chairman David Rouzer (R-NC), and Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee Ranking Member Grace Napolitano (D-CA). The Transportation Committee approved the legislation on June 26, 2024, by a vote of 61 to 2.

Watch T&I Members discuss the importance of WRDA to their districts and the nation:

Statements of support from various water resources stakeholders continue to pour in as well, including:

Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA): "ARA applauds the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for moving forward a bipartisan Water Resources Development Act of 2024 (WRDA), which Congress has reauthorized every two years since 2014. These critical transportation investments are state and locally driven projects that benefit America's agricultural industry and their rural communities by ensuring we remain globally competitive and improve the efficiency of our transportation supply chain system. ARA urges Congress to pass this important legislation as soon as possible." - ARA President & CEO Daren Coppock.

American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA): "As a nation, we move incredible amounts of trade and cargo in large part because of the timely and regular passage of the Water Resources Development Act. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Members deserve tremendous credit for their bipartisan work to make continued investments in our nation's maritime infrastructure. We look forward to seeing the legislation become law and putting those dollars to work." - AAPA President & CEO Cary S. Davis

American Public Works Association (APWA): "We appreciate the bipartisan approach to support water infrastructure in this latest iteration of WRDA, and we trust members will continue to build on these investments so we can complete these projects in a timely and efficient manner." - APWA CEO Scott D. Grayson, CAE

American Shore and Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA): "Passing a WRDA bill every congress is essential to effective coastal management, allowing the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to better work with states and local partners to plan, design, build, and manage critical coastal projects." - ASBPA Executive Director Nicole Elko, Ph.D.

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): "Since 2014, Congress has passed a final WRDA agreement every two years, and thanks to the efforts of committee leaders and staff, this year's bill remains on that trajectory. WRDA provides an opportunity to demonstrate bipartisan collaboration in support of the nation's water resources infrastructure. The biennial schedule provides the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) with a degree of predictability which allows for more effective planning and development of vital water resources projects nationwide." - ASCE Managing Director, Government Relations and Infrastructure Initiatives Caroline Sevier

Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO): "The Association of State Dam Safety Officials commends the leaders in the House of Representatives for their inclusion of the National Dam Safety Program reauthorization and important amendments as part of the Water Resources Development Act of 2024. The Association of State Dam Safety Officials endorses its reauthorization and amendments. This bipartisan legislation not only continues the program for another five years, but also marks a critical step forward in enhancing dam safety nationwide. This legislation's provision removing barriers to increased funding allocations of State Assistance Grants ensures sufficient resources for proactive public safety efforts. By clarifying the responsibilities of dam owners who receive rehabilitation grants through the program, the bill promotes accountability and long-term assurances that the dams will be maintained in a safe condition. The dam safety community applauds the elimination of non-federal cost-sharing requirements for underserved communities, reflecting a commitment to fair and effective safety standards. These measures strengthen our collective ability to manage and maintain dams, safeguarding communities from potential risks and ensuring resilient infrastructure. The inclusion of low-head dams in the National Inventory of Dams enhances its accuracy and scope. By clarifying floodplain management plan requirements for High Hazard Potential Dam Rehabilitation Program projects, it adds common sense directives to those applying." - ASDSO Executive Director Lori Spragens

Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA): "I'm writing today on behalf of the Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) to relay our support for H.R. 8812, the Water Resources Development Act of 2024. In particular, we support Sec. 101 which establishes a pilot program for 'alternative project delivery' methods including progressive design-build. Progressive design-build is growing in popularity across the nation as states, localities and others are looking to take advantage of design-builders' expertise earlier in the process but also want to work collaboratively with the design-build team to develop a design and implement construction means and methods that meet the project's goals." - DBIA Executive Director/CEO Lisa Washington

Great Lakes Dredge and Dock (GLDD): "GLDD congratulates the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for the sixth consecutive passage of WRDA. We look forward to the final version with full knowledge that Congress understands the water resource needs of the nation. Consistent bipartisan, bicameral, and reliable legislation like the modern era WRDA allows all stakeholders, including agencies and industry, to better prepare for future investments and be more efficient in executing those investments." - GLDD Senior Vice President, Market Development Bill Hanson

International Liquid Terminals Association (ILTA): "ILTA applauds the bipartisan work of the Transportation & Infrastructure Committee as they pass the Water Resources Development Act of 2024 (WRDA) out of committee and onto the House floor. Because of the great work of Chairman Sam Graves and Ranking Member Rick Larsen, both of whom have been long-standing champions of WRDA, our ILTA members are better positioned to provide safe, sustainable energy to our communities. It is imperative that we prioritize investing in our national infrastructure and we as an organization are encouraged by its progress." - ILTA President Leakhena Swett

National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA): "We appreciate the work of the Transportation & Infrastructure Committee on their passage of the Water Resources Development Act of 2024 (WRDA) out of committee and consideration on the House floor. We thank the continued bipartisan process both Chairman Graves and Ranking Member Larsen have fostered with their colleagues and encourage WRDA's passage on the House floor. Federal investments, like WRDA, are critical to our public infrastructure network and the priorities covered within WRDA will help mitigate environmental impacts for countless surface transportation projects for years to come." - NAPA Vice President, Government Affairs Nile Elam

National Association of Flood and Stormwater Management Agencies (NAFSMA): "The actions you have taken are necessary to keep the nation's water resources policies, projects and funding priorities authorized and moving in a timely manner. NAFSMA members are actively working to protect their regions and communities from the risks of flooding and water quality impacts. As a result, NAFSMA works closely with USACE as well as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on mitigation, flood mapping and the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), and with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater management program and other non-point source programs and water infrastructure. WRDA legislation is critical for NAFSMA members working to improve the environment through ecosystem restoration projects, provide greater flood risk benefits through major USACE construction projects and achieve a more streamlined delivery of authorized USACE projects and NAFSMA is pleased to support this legislation." - NAFSMA Executive Director Sunny Simpkins

National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA): "On behalf of the $230 billion recreational boating industry, our more than 800,000 workers, and the nearly 100 million Americans who enjoy our nation's waters each year, the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) applauds Chairmen Sam Graves (R-MO) and David Rouzer (R-NC) and Ranking Members Rick Larsen (D-WA) and Grace Napolitano (D-CA) for their leadership on the Water Resource Development Act of 2024 (WRDA24/H.R. 8812). This strong bipartisan bill includes several key provisions that expand public recreation access, advance the $1.1 trillion outdoor economy, and support the important work of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) as a leading provider of public recreation across Corps-managed lakes, reservoirs and navigable waterways. NMMA strongly supports H.R. 8812 and urges swift bipartisan passage on the House floor." - NMMA President and CEO Frank Hugelmeyer

National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA): "NSSGA supports efforts to improve and invest in all levels of our nation's infrastructure network, including critical navigable waterways that are essential to America's economic competitiveness. We appreciate the committee working together to put forward a bipartisan reauthorization of the Water Resources Development Act. The enactment of this two-year legislation will authorize about $4.8 billion for new Corps construction projects to address the water and wastewater needs of communities across the nation that will improve our supply chains, mitigate flooding and better our communities." - NSSGA President and CEO Michael W. Johnson

National Water Resources Association (NWRA): "Incorporating water supply into USACE's mission will enable a more holistic approach to water resources management. This is especially important in the arid West, where prolonged drought continues to devastate communities, agricultural activities, and industries. Ensuring that all aspects of our water infrastructure-from flood control and storm protection to navigation and ecosystem restoration-are integrated, is critical to providing reliable and sustainable water supplies. We believe this will lead to more resilient and adaptable water systems capable of meeting current and future demands. The NWRA looks forward to the passage of the Water Resources Development Act of 2024 and is ready to support the implementation of its provisions." - NWRA President Craig Simpson

National Waterways Conference (NWC): "This consistent legislative attention is crucial for addressing the comprehensive needs of our nation's water resource infrastructure, including navigation, flood control, and ecosystem restoration. WRDA is especially important to our members, who represent the full spectrum of water resources stakeholders, including flood control associations, levee boards, waterways shippers and carriers, industry and regional associations, hydropower producers, port authorities, shipyards, dredging contractors, regional water supply districts, engineering consultants, and state and local governments. Many of our members are non-federal sponsors (NFS) of Corps civil works projects, responsible for significant financial commitments for the construction and maintenance of these projects. They work diligently and collaboratively with their federal partners to ensure the nation can reap the multiple benefits provided by these investments." - NWC President and CEO Julie Ufner

Port of Virginia: "WRDA legislation is essential for maintaining and modernizing projects at our nation's ports and harbors and other areas of water resources infrastructure. Continuing to pass WRDA every two years, as Congress has done consistently since 2014, ensures the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is authorized to partner with nonfederal sponsors to improve America's water infrastructure. By doing so, WRDA delivers a safe and reliable supply chain and a vibrant economy." - Port of Virginia Director, Federal Government Affairs Andrew M. Sinclair

Portland Cement Association (PCA): "Passage of the Water Resources Development Act of 2024 is essential to continuing the two-year cycle of passing legislation to authorize and advance studies of potential new Corps projects and advancing new Corps construction projects that help communities across the country with restoration, flood risk management, ecosystem restoration, and hurricane and storm risk reduction. We applaud the authorization of 159 feasibility studies for locally proposed projects. Additionally, we applaud the authorization of 12 construction projects that address the needs of communities throughout the nation." - PCA Senior Vice President, Government Affairs Sean O'Neill

The Fertilizer Institute (TFI): "One third of all fertilizer ton-miles move by barge, making a strong WRDA reauthorization critical to agriculture and rural America's competitive advantage in world markets. The House T&I Committee deserves praise for its bipartisan commitment to reliably advancing a WRDA bill on a two-year reauthorization schedule. We also thank Chairman Graves, Ranking Member Larsen, Subcommittee Chair Rouzer, and Ranking Member Napolitano for their dedication to our nation's water infrastructure. WRDA is the foundation for the modernization of our nation's inland waterways and ports, which are an integral component of the fertilizer distribution system. We look forward to working with the Senate and House to pass a final WRDA bill into law before the end of the year and will continue to advocate for the strongest support for the inland waterway construction program." - TFI President & CEO Corey Rosenbusch

The Nature Conservancy (TNC): "We are pleased that WRDA 2024 continues the trend of positive policy changes for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) while authorizing critical water resources projects. The bill enhances the safety of dams, increases the transparency of data on low-head dams through the National Inventory of Dams, and addresses issues TNC has encountered working with the Corps, such as providing the minimum interest in property necessary to carry out water resources projects." - TNC Senior Water Policy Advisor Jimmy Hague

U.S. Chamber of Commerce: "The U.S. Chamber of Commerce strongly supports H.R. 8812, the 'Water Resources Development Act of 2024 (WRDA),' which is critical to providing the policy and strategic investments necessary to modernize maritime infrastructure, build resilience, and stimulate economic growth. The Chamber will consider including votes on this legislation in our annual 'How They Voted' scorecard." - U.S. Chamber of Commerce Senior Vice President Tom Wickham

A list of additional supporters of WRDA 2024can be found here.

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