United States Senate Democrats

09/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/17/2024 16:05

Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Republicans Blocking The Right To IVF Act

Washington, D.C. - Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor ahead of a Senate vote to advance the Right to IVF Act, which would protect American families' access to in vitro fertilization. Senate Republicans blocked the legislation from moving forward. Below are Senator Schumer's remarks:

By all accounts, a vote to protect something as basic and popular as IVF shouldn't be necessary. But sadly it is very necessary, thanks to attacks against reproductive care by Donald Trump and his Project 2025.

From the moment Donald Trump's MAGA Supreme Court reversed Roe, the hard-right made clear they would keep going. As we saw earlier this year in Alabama, IVF has become one of the hard-right's next targets.

Today, Senate Republicans must answer a simple question: do they support American families' access to IVF, or not? If they support it, the only option is to vote yes on the Right to IVF Act.

But if Senate Republicans vote no today, and block IVF protections yet again, it will be further proof that that they stand against the wellbeing of families. If Senate Republicans vote no today, it will be further proof that Project 2025 is alive and well when it comes to women's rights and reproductive rights as well.

Republicans cannot claim to care about supporting families while voting against IVF protections. But that's precisely what they did three months ago.

Today, Republicans get a second chance: either stand with families struggling with infertility, or stand against families and with Project 2025.

Kudos and great thanks to Senators Duckworth and Murray and Booker and everyone who has championed this bill. Thank you to all my colleagues who have raised their voices on this most personal issue. I urge everyone to vote yes.
