FEPORT - Federation of European Private Port Operators

06/10/2024 | News release | Archived content

EU Commission’s Roundtable: A European approach to foster the EU waterborne sector – Brussels

10 June 2024

Following the first High Level Meeting in SMM 2022 between European Commission's representatives and CEOs from the waterborne industry, and the competitiveness roundtable held on 27 September 2023, in the context of the Waterborne Days, the European Commission proposed to continue the dialogue regarding the challenges and opportunities facing the industry, by gathering further input on how to best leverage existing and potentially new tools during its next mandate.

On June 10th, 2024, FEPORT and other trade associations from the Waterborne sector have been invited to participate to a constructive dialogue with several DGs (DG Grow, DG RTD, DG INTPA, DG Comp, DG MOVE, DG Empl, DG Mare, etc…) of the EU Commission. The exchanges have been co-moderated by a representative from DG MOVE and the Waterborne Technology platform's Secretary General.