Yelp! Inc.

17/07/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Yelp Data Reveals Top Pest Problems During Annual Summer Infestation Surge

Summer is in full swing, but with heat waves and rising humidity comes an influx of bugs and rodents into our living spaces. Yelp data reveals that searches for pest-proofing surged 165% nationally in June 2024, compared to June 2023. From flying Joro spiders and cicadas, to West Nile-carrying mosquitos, pests pose various threats, including food contamination, general unease and discomfort, and property damage.

To highlight the latest trends in pest control services during this critical time of year, we've introduced the Infestation Index, an analysis of the top pest control search trends nationally, along with the states most affected by common pest problems.

Cockroach extermination topped our inaugural list, with searches increasing by 323% in June 2024, compared to June 2023. Following reports of the trending Joro spider invasion, searches for spider exterminators were number two, up 236% nationally.

Here are Yelp's Top 10 Pest Issues in America for June 2024, showing notable increases in search percentages compared to June 2023:

"Nothing disrupts a summer hangout like the presence of a bug or rodent in your space," notes Tara Lewis, Yelp's Trend Expert and Vice President of Community Expansion. "Whether it's checking for termites or taking care of that wasp nest, Yelp can easily connect you to reliable pest control experts, and address infestations before they escalate."

D.C. Ranks #1 for Roach, Mosquito Treatment and Bed Bug Searches; California Tops for Rodents

Whether it's bugs, snakes or rodents, pest issues can vary by region. Yelp data reveals the top five states with the highest search volumes for common pest problems in June 2024.

With stifling humidity and concerns about rising rat populations, it's no surprise Washington D.C. has landed the pest control triple crown. The nation's capital ranks number one in search volume for three categories: bed bugs, roaches and mosquito treatment.

Meanwhile, as "rodent boyfriends" make headlines in Hollywood, California leads the nation in searches for rodent-related pest control searches, followed by Wyoming, Washington D.C., New Mexico and Wisconsin. Termites - some of the most destructive and costly pests - prompt significant concern in warmer states, with the highest search volumes for termite treatment coming from Hawaii, Florida, California, and Arizona.

Every day, millions of people turn to Yelp to find a variety of great businesses, including pest control specialistslike Terminix and other local service providers. Yelp's Request a Quote feature makes getting quotes from multiple pest control providers easy and seamless, allowing you to see their average response times and hire the best service provider for your project. If you have a pest issue and aren't sure where to begin, the new AI-powered Yelp Assistant can remove the guesswork from finding the right service professional near you. By asking a series of questions to understand your specific needs, Yelp Assistant efficiently matches you with the right businesses for your project.

Top Five Pest Tips from Terminix

Looking for ways to keep your home pest-free? We teamed up with the experts at Terminix to offer the top five tips to keep your home pest-free. Terminix and other pest control professionals on Yelp can help identify any pest issues you may have, and develop a safe and effective treatment plan.

  1. Eliminate food and water sources: Food and water sources are ground zero for pests, so it's crucial to keep your kitchen clean, store food in sealed containers, and regularly check your cabinets and drawers for signs of insects or rodents.
  2. Seal up cracks and gaps: Small openings can serve as entry points for pests. Be sure to inspect the interior and exterior of your home for any cracks around windows, doors, and foundations. If you discover any gaps, Yelp can help you easily find a local handy person to assist with sealing them.
  3. Store trash properly: Secure your trash in cans with tight-fitting lids and store them in a cool, dry place. Regularly dispose of your trash, compost or recycling to avoid attracting racoons or possums. A pro tip: always give your outdoor trash bins a little shake before opening to avoid unwanted surprises.
  4. Maintain your outdoor spaces: Keep your yard free of debris like leaves, branches, and wood piles, which can provide shelter for pests. Regularly trimming trees can also help prevent pests from easily accessing your home.
  5. Check your basement and attic: These less-trafficked areas can become havens for pests. Look for any leaks in your roof or foundation, and consider using dehumidifiers in basements and crawl spaces to deter pest habitation.

To provide you with greater confidence and peace of mind during the hiring process, look for a pest control business backed by Yelp Guaranteed, a satisfaction-guarantee program that offers Request a Quote users up to $2,500 back in the event something goes wrong with your project.


Yelp analyzed consumer searches in June 2024, compared to June 2023. We evaluated the change in volume of specific search queries by examining the number of times each query was entered per million searches. To identify the top states and/or districts, we analyzed the search volume of pest-related phrases mentioned in June 2024.

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