SOS Children's Villages International

09/30/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/30/2024 03:55

Let children’s voices be heard! Join the youth-led Together project final event

YOUTH PARTICIPATION - 30 September 2024

Let children's voices be heard! Join the youth-led Together project final event

Within the EU co-funded project, 'Together: Working in partnership with children and youth to enhance their rights in responses to crisis situations such as Covid-19 and other emergencies,' SOS Children's Villages has worked with children and young people in Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, and Spain to empower and enable them to participate meaningfully in public decision-making on all topics that affect them.

As the project concludes, public decision-makers and professionals working with and for children are invited to attend the online final project event which will be led by young people who have participated in the project as Mentors and Peer Trainers.

'Although you see that I am small, my way of thinking is big, creative, different.'

- message from children in the 'Together' workshop

Within the event, participants will hear from young people about the activities that have taken place throughout the two-year project, including their experiences of running peer-led workshops delivered to children by Peer Trainers. They will also share the recommendations from children and young people who participated in the workshops on how they would like to participate in public decision-making. A panel discussion between young people and topic experts will also be facilitated, including an interactive Q&A with participants.

The event will take place in two sessions:

  • Session 1: Presentation of the project methodology, outputs, and results, with a focus on the peer-led workshops for children ; 9 October 2024, 10:00-11:30 CET

  • Session 2: Let our voices be heard! Recommendations from children and young people; 16 October 2024, 10:00-11:30 CET

For further information, please see the overview agenda and the event flyer.

Register to attend the event

Ahead of the event, we also invite you to complete the "Meaningful Child and Youth Participation in Public Decision-Making" e-learning course that has been developed within the project, and watch the four videos that have been developed by children on the key topics they would like to participate in public decision-making on.

The Together project is co-funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed within this article are however those of SOS Children's Villages only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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