Delegation of the European Union to Georgia

10/08/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/08/2024 10:32

Georgia: Speech by the High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell in the EP plenary on the democratic backsliding

Speech delivered by Vice President for Values and Transparency, Věra Jourová, on behalf of High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell

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Opening remarks

President, Honourable Members of the European Parliament,

On 26 October, over three million Georgians will cast their vote to elect a new Parliament. These parliamentary elections are pivotal for Georgia's European Union path. They will also be a critical test for Georgia's democracy.

Last December, when Georgia was granted European Union candidate status, we hoped this would be a strong incentive for the government to undertake significant reforms towards opening European Union negotiations.

Instead, in recent months, the governing authorities have proposed laws that have moved the country away from this goal.

Despite massive protests, the foreign influence law - which stifles civil society and media organisations - was reintroduced and adopted. Other proposals that discriminate against and stigmatise the LGBTQI community and weaken the independence of state institutions have also been put forward. At the same time, anti-European Union rhetoric has grown louder.

First, I want to thank you, the European Parliament, for being vocal about the situation in Georgia and calling strongly for European Union action in response to the Georgian government's unprecedented anti-democratic actions and rhetoric.

The European Union has responded with appropriate measures: Georgia's European Union accession process has been halted, political contacts have been downgraded, European Union support through the European Peace Facility, worth €30 million, is on hold, while the assistance portfolio is being reviewed.

We have repeatedly called on the Georgian authorities to reverse their course of action and we have increased our communication towards the Georgian citizens. Many of you have echoed such calls.

These measures can be reversed and the solution is simple if there is political will: Georgian authorities need to start by repealing laws that contradict the stated goal of joining the European Union, particularly laws that restrict fundamental rights and freedoms.

Second comment, we have also heard false accusations and blatant disinformation about the European Union and its values spread by ruling party officials, including the Prime Minister[Irakli Kobakhidze] and Members of the Parliament. Claims that the European Union and the West are trying to open a second front in Georgia or seeking the "Ukrainisation" of the country are unacceptable, false, and harmful to our relations. These narratives only serve Russia and its propaganda. The European Union will continue to expose such false narratives and respond to anti-democratic actions.

Finally, the upcoming parliamentary elections will be a strong test for Georgia's democracy. The electoral campaign has already been marred by troubling statements and actions from the ruling party, including promises to ban opposition parties and efforts to restrict civil society and the media. Such tactics resemble those of authoritarian regimes. If these measures are implemented, they would clearly contradict Georgia's stated goal to join the European Union and the values and principles that underpin European Union membership.

The European Union will closely follow the conduct of these upcoming elections. It is our expectation that they will be peaceful, free, and fair, truly reflecting the will of the Georgian people.

The European Union's door remains open, but the Georgian authorities need first to realign with European Union values and norms, and recommit to Georgia's European Union path. We are ready to support and work with all Georgians on their path towards European Union membership.

Thank you.

Link to the video (starting at 00:20)