UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

09/09/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 10/09/2024 11:31

Egypt’s innovative programme wins 2024 UNESCO Confucius Prize for Literacy

The Mansoura University's'Illiteracy Eradication Project' was initiated in response to the urgent need for sustainable social and economic development in rural Egypt. Recognizing the crucial role of literacy in empowering individuals and communities, the project focuses on equipping the rural population with essential competencies in reading, writing, and life skills, thereby facilitating their active participation in society and the labour market.

In a country marked by linguistic diversity, the project embraces a multilingual educational model. It offers literacy courses in Arabic alongside other local languages, supporting learners' academic and professional development while enriching their cultural understanding. This multilingual framework not only enhances academic success but also promotes mutual respect and peaceful coexistence, contributing to the socioeconomic uplift of rural areas.

To effectively address the challenges of multilingual education, the 'Literacy Eradication Project' employs several innovative strategies: technology is utilized to extend educational opportunities to remote learners through live lessons and interactive materials; community-based teaching leverages the multilingual abilities of university students, facilitating culturally relevant and accessible education; educational content is carefully curated to resonate with learners' daily experiences, enhancing engagement and comprehension; teachers receive ongoing training to adapt to evolving educational needs; and, collaborations with local organizations amplify the project's impact by providing tailored resources and other forms of support.

© Mansoura University

Transforming Egyptian countryside through education

The project's success in fostering literacy translates into broader societal impact, promoting peace and understanding through its activities. Surveys and interviews are employed to assess shifts in cultural perceptions as well as advancements in peaceful coexistence. Social cohesion indicators, such as increased community participation and collaboration, reflect the project's positive influence on social dynamics.

The project has engaged rural communities by harnessing university students' potential as educators and organizing culturally infused literacy campaigns. These initiatives not only improve literacy rates but also foster a community-centric approach to education, making the learning process more inclusive and effective. Digital resources, such as online platforms, multimedia content, and smart devices ensure that quality education is accessible even in the most remote areas. In this way, the project leverages technology to democratize learning opportunities across linguistic and geographical barriers.

Looking to the future, the project plans to expand its digital and multilingual tools, further integrate community resources, and enhance teacher training. These steps are designed to sustain the initiative's impact, broaden its reach, and continue breaking down barriers of illiteracy in alignment with Egypt's development objectives.

On International Literacy Day, the project's leaders call on policy-makers, educators, and the global community to renew their commitment to literacy. They emphasize that literacy is not just a fundamental right but also a cornerstone of peaceful, prosperous, and inclusive societies.

This holistic and community-driven approach of the 'Illiteracy Eradication Project' at Mansoura University has not only earned it the 2024 UNESCO Confucius Prize for Literacy but also positioned it as a beacon of hope and a model for literacy initiatives worldwide.