European External Action Service

09/18/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/18/2024 04:43

Strengthening Cooperation between Local Authorities and the NGO Sector through ReLOaD Programme: Key to European Integration


Strengthening Cooperation between Local Authorities and the NGO Sector through ReLOaD Programme: Key to European Integration

© Copyright: UNDP Montenegro

The regional ReLOaD conference dedicated to enhancing cooperation between local authorities and civil society gathered over a hundred representatives in Podgorica from local governments and civil society organisations from the Western Balkans, as well as representatives from ministries and the European Union.

During the opening of the event, Minister of Public Administration, Marash Dukaj, emphasised the need to leverage the capacity of NGOs, as this is the only way to become a society that belongs to the European Union. "Their expertise can significantly assist local government bodies in developing adequate local policies to the satisfaction of citizens. I am particularly pleased with international initiatives like the ReLOaD programme. Therefore, I would like to use this opportunity to thank the European Union for encouraging good practices through concrete actions and to local government units for their active participation in this project," said Dukaj.

Copyright: UNDP Montenegro

The ReLOaD2 programme, financed by the European Union with €12.63 million and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), covers 62 local governments across the Western Balkans. Over the past four years, more than 470 NGO projects have been realised, benefiting over 70,000 citizens in the region. Activities are carried out in various sectors identified by local authorities as important priorities that bring the region closer to meeting the requirements for the EU accession.

The conference reviewed these successes and enabled thematic discussions aimed at recommendations for improving accountability and effectiveness at the local and regional levels, with a focus on enhancing communication, knowledge exchange, and capacity building.

"I believe that our dialogue will highlight the best paths to success. Our common goal is to fully engage in preparing all local governments in Montenegro to successfully adopt EU regulations when Montenegro becomes part of the European community," stated Minister Dukaj.

Yngve Engstrom, Head of the Cooperation Sector at the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro, said that this is a long-term process. "Significant dialogue and cooperation with the civil society in decision-making processes require genuine efforts from both sides: the authorities and the civil society sector. Authorities, at both national and local levels, must recognise that civil society organisations play an important role in society. On the other hand, the CSOs need to be proactive, engage in dialogue with authorities, and help improve governance."

Copyright: UNDP Montenegro

This is especially important in relation to the EU Growth Plan for the Western Balkans and the Reform Agenda, emphasised Engstrom. "Transparent criteria for the use of public funds will strengthen partnerships between civil society and local authorities at the local level and improve the quality of necessary reforms for the EU accession process, and ReLOaD has achieved impressive results in this regard."

UNDP Resident Representative to Montenegro, Ekaterina Paniklova, reflected on the importance of empowered and informed young people for strong local communities. "I would like to highlight the concerning results that more than half of young people from the Western Balkans see themselves abroad in the next ten years. In this regard, this programme has designed a range of activities with young people to make smaller communities more attractive places to live in: training, internship programmes, grants for actions, and business ideas. ReLOaD has created many good practices and examples of involving young people, which we hope to carry forward into the next phase of the programme," concluded Paniklova.

Copyright: UNDP Montenegro

The final ReLOaD2 regional conference continues with group work mapping key steps towards improving local democracy.