PERB - California Public Employment Relations Board

09/30/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/30/2024 11:15

Board Meeting Agenda – October 10, 2024 Board Meeting

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Board Meeting Agenda - October 10, 2024 Board Meeting

Regular Business Meeting Agenda
Public Employment Relations Board
October 10, 2024 ~ 10:00 a.m.

LOCATION: Public Employment Relations Board*

1031 18th Street, First Floor, Room 103, Sacramento, CA

Please follow the instructions below to attend the meeting remotely.

Attend the meeting via video-conference:

  1. In your web browser, go to
  2. Select "Join a Meeting"
  3. Enter the Meeting ID: 161 197 2913
  4. Enter your name
  5. Enter the Passcode: 2253531255, then click "continue"


To attend the meeting via teleconference:

  1. Dial (669) 254-5252
  2. When prompted, enter the meeting id: 161 197 2913#
  3. Press # to skip the participant id
  4. When prompted, enter the meting password: 2253531255#

A note on public comment:

In advance of the meeting, those who wish to comment during the public comment portion of the agenda or on specific agenda items may request to be added to the queue by emailing [email protected] . Please be sure to include your name, affiliation if any, and topic in the email.

During the meeting, you can make a request to speak in person, via video or the teleconference line when prompted by the Chair at each appropriate agenda item.

1. Roll Call.

2. Adoption of Minutes. June 13, 2024, Meeting

3. Public Comment. This is an opportunity for the public to address the Board on issues not scheduled on today's agenda. The Board cannot act on those items but may refer matters to staff for review and possible Board action at a future, publicly noticed meeting.

4. Staff Reports. The following Reports will be received. Any matter requiring Board action, and not included on this agenda, will be calendared for a subsequent public Board meeting.

A. Executive Director

B. Division of Administration

C. Office of General Counsel

D. Division of Administrative Law

E. State Mediation and Conciliation Service

5. Old Business:

A. Legislature Employer-Employee Relations Act Regulations: The Chair will announce the appointment of a subcommittee of two Board members to work with staff to draft and review the proposed regulations.

6. New Business: None

7. Recess to Closed Session. The Board will meet in a continuous closed session each day beginning immediately upon recess of the open portion of this meeting through December 12, 2024. The purpose of these closed sessions will be to deliberate on cases listed on the Board's Docket (Gov. Code sec. 11126(c)(3)), personnel (Gov. Code sec. 11126(a)), pending litigation (Gov. Code sec. 11126(c) (1)), and any pending requests for injunctive relief (Gov. Code sec. 11126(e)(2)(C) and11126(c) (2)(c)).

*This meeting is accessible to the physically disabled. A person who needs disability-related accommodations or modifications in order to participate in the meeting shall make a request no later than five working days before the meeting to the Board by emailing [email protected] or sending a written request to PERB, 1031 18th Street, Sacramento, California 95811. Requests for further information should also be
directed via email to [email protected]. Additional information is also available on the internet at