City of Cambridge, MA

09/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/17/2024 07:18

Help Cambridge Street Trees Get Enough Water

With the dry weather for the past 3+ weeks and the projections for the next 10 days continuing to show minimal to no rain, please help our Cambridge street trees thrive and give them a drink! Street trees require lots of water to establish themselves and thrive. Our trees need your help to get enough water.

During drought conditions, residents and businesses should help by watering the trees near their property. Smaller street trees need about 20 gallons of water per week with larger street trees needing even more. If you are able to help provide them with some of that, our urban forest would be grateful!

The green bags around the base of smaller street trees are called Gator Bags. These bags provide trees a slow release of water. If a tree has a Gator Bag, please fill it 2-3 times a week. If a tree is small enough and needs a Gator Bag, residents can come to DPW at 147 Hampshire Street and get a Gator Bag from the front desk to attach to the tree to assist with the watering. Just fill with water using a garden hose or container and walk away!

Tree Watering Tips:

  • If the tree has a Gator Bag, please fill it an additional 2-3 times a week, if possible
  • If the tree does not have a Gator Bag, water slowly at the base an additional 2-3 times a week, if possible.
  • If the soil is stiff, please rake inside the tree well to break up the soil to allow the water to better penetrate the ground
  • REMEMBER- It's hard to over-water a street tree in the midst of drought conditions, so don't worry!

We need your help to maintain a healthy, vibrant urban forest! Any Cambridge resident willing to regularly water the tree and provide some general care for the tree is welcome to become a Cambridge Urban Forest Friend. Learn how here and to sign up for the Forest Friends Newsletter.

If you see a tree that may be in distress, please report it through SeeClickFix. Thank you for your support helping these trees.