NEA - National Education Association

07/03/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 07/04/2024 11:35

NEA Aspiring Educators Ready to Make Change

Reflections from Outgoing Chair

Two years ago, Sabreena Shaller of Pennsylvania was elected chair of the AE program and committed to use her "voice and our vision … to dismantle the systemic barriers in our teacher preparation programs and create an attractive profession."

The fruits of this labor are on full display, as she begins to close out her term, which ends on July 31.

"Traveling across the country to meet with Aspiring Educator members has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my time as chair," Shaller says. "When I was in the communities of our members, I saw Aspiring Educators leading the initiatives for paid student teaching, racial and social justice, and ensuring teacher preparation programs were equitable."

Her time spent with members has proven that future teachers understand the need for advocacy and leadership and are ready to take charge of their future profession.

"They answer the call to help local food banks, volunteer at schools, host community literacy nights, and supplement professional development that they are not receiving in their teacher preparation programs," she says.

Her final words for the next generation of teachers: "I want them to know that the Aspiring Educators program [is] only the beginning [and] … marks the start to their leadership journey as educators. I also want to remind AEs that as they continue to stay involved in the NEA to also continue to reach out to Aspiring Educators in your state. Be the union leader mentor that you wish you had as an Aspiring Educator."

Aspiring Educators Elect New Chair

Hannah StClair was elected during the conference to serve a two-year term as chair of the AE program. An elementary education major and recent graduate of the University of Oregon (UO), StClair has been a long-serving member of the AE program and has served in various positions.

"My first week of college, as a freshman, I knew I needed to be around people who wanted to be change makers, who wanted to do something in the world and make an impact," StClair says. "I didn't know how to build a community out of that passion and purpose, at that time, until someone spoke to my class."

That someone was an AE member who was promoting the campus chapter and an event for people who were Aspiring Educators and who cared about making change.

"I was like, that's exactly what I care about," StClair says, adding that she immediately joined the program. "I wouldn't be here without the AEs who began our chapter my freshman year."

In her time with the program, she's served as the first president of her campus chapter and ran the first executive board election. At the state level, she worked to ensure a voting AE director was represented on the Oregon Education Association Board of Directors, and she helped established a self-governing AE statewide council, made up of members stepping into leadership roles.

Future Goals

As she steps into this new role, StClair plans to continue the momentum of the last four years with paid student teaching.

In addition to Utah, at least fourother states have passed laws to provide pay to support student teachers: Maryland, Colorado, Michigan, and Oklahoma. (Oklahoma's program is supported by pandemic relief funds.)

"We are making the systemic change," StClair says.