Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Worship of the Argentine Republic

01/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 02/07/2024 11:56

XXVII Meeting of Political Consultations with Japan

The XXVII Meeting of Political Consultations with Japan was held today at the San Martín Palace, led by Deputy Foreign Minister, Leopoldo Sahores and the Senior Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and G7 and G20 Sherpa, Keiichi Ono, as heads of the respective delegations. The meeting also had a chapter on economic-trade issues chaired by the Secretary for International Economic Relations, Marcelo Cima, and by Minister Ono.

During the political chapter of the meeting, both delegations reviewed the bilateral and multilateral political agenda, and exchanged views about issues of relevance to the Strategic Partnership between Argentina and Japan, countries that have maintained diplomatic relations for more than 125 years. In this framework, the convergence and shared values ​​between both societies were highlighted, such as the respect for liberal democracy, rules-based multilateralism, human rights and the commitment to the peaceful settlement of international disputes. Likewise, the important role of the Japanese community residing in Argentina was valued, which enriches the culture and traditions of our society.

Among the topics addressed, the promotion of exchanges between both societies was highlighted, both at the subnational level and through parliamentary diplomacy. Both delegations also discussed the important bilateral and triangular technical cooperation programs and analyzed the possibilities of cooperation on nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

As to the multilateral matters, the delegations held exchanges on current and internationally relevant issues such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, disarmament and non-proliferation. Likewise, the main issues on the international agenda were discussed.

Subsequently, the Argentine side explained to Japan the position of the Argentine Republic on the Question of the Malvinas Islands and conveyed its interest in achieving the resumption of bilateral negotiations with the United Kingdom in order to find a negotiated and peaceful solution to the dispute of sovereignty, which - in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly - is the only way to put an end to this colonial situation.

During the segment on economic-trade issues, the extensive bilateral economic trade agenda was reviewed and the situation of both countries, the evolution of trade and the possibilities for its increase and diversification were analyzed. Both delegations also talked about the sanitary negotiations for the entry into Japan of Argentine beef, coming from the foot-and-mouth disease-free zone with vaccination, and bilateral trade in organic products.

It should be remembered that Japan is an important trading partner for Argentina, in terms of trade and investment.

Likewise, options to increase economic and technological cooperation were explored and sectors with potential such as the energy transition and the hydrogen economy were highlighted.

Finally, other institutional dialogue mechanisms in the economic field were addressed to continue strengthening opportunities for public and private actors. It was agreed to continue expanding and deepening the MERCOSUR - Japan Dialogue and information was exchanged on Argentina's entry into the OECD.