NYU - New York University

09/18/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/18/2024 10:08

Organizing for Climate Justice and Democracy – Sept. 26, Deutsches Haus at NYU

Deutsches Haus at NYU presents "Organizing for Climate Justice and Democracy: A Conversation with Luisa Neubauer" as one of the leading youth climate justice activists of Germany discusses with Sabine von Mering (Brandeis University) the German climate movement's work for climate justice and democracy in the face of the accelerating climate crisis, political backpedaling, industry greenwashing, escalating right-wing extremism, and the criminalization of climate activists. The event begins at 6 p.m. at the international house, at 42 Washington Mews, New York, N.Y., on Thursday, Sept. 26.

Registration to attend this event in person is required. The discussion is free and open to the public.

Luisa Neubauer is a youth climate justice activist and lead organizer of the German "Fridays for Future" climate movement. For over five years now, Luisa and Fridays for Future have brought hundreds of thousands of people to the streets. In 2022 TIME Magazine included her among the "100Next" leaders. In Neubauer vs. Germany," she and others won a landmark constitutional court ruling against the German government (then led by Angela Merkel) in 2021, forcing the government to improve its climate law. She and others are now suing the (new) German government again. She has published three best-selling books on the climate crisis. One of them is available in English: Beginning to End the Climate Crisis. A History of Our Future, published by Brandeis University Press in 2023. Her Ted Talks on climate action have been watched more than 4 Million times. Luisa Neubauer is currently completing a Masters degree in Geography. She is the host of the award-winning Podcast "1,5 Degrees." A visiting research scholar at the Center for German and European Studies at Brandeis University this fall, she normally lives in Berlin.

Sabine von Mering (moderator) is professor of German and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and director of the Center for German and European Studies at Brandeis University and host of the popular CGES Online Webinar series. Her co-edited Routledge Handbook of Grassroots Climate Activism will appear in January 2025. Together with Monika Hübscher, she co-edited Antisemitism on Social Media (Routledge, 2022), of which she just completed an updated German translation, Antisemitismus in den Sozialen Medien (2024). Previous co-edited volumes include Right-Wing Radicalism Today: Perspectives from Europe and the US (Routledge, 2013) and International Green Politics (2002). She is the recipient of the 2022 Volkmar and Margret Sander Prize. She was a 2023 Public Voices Fellow on the Climate Crisis with Yale Climate Change Communication and the OpEd Project. She is a climate activist with 350Mass and NoCoal, NoGas .

"Organizing for Climate Justice and Democracy: A Conversation with Luisa Neubauer" is funded by the DAAD from funds of the German Federal Foreign Office (AA).