ISPI - Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale

07/08/2024 | Press release | Archived content

So Small, So Pivotal: Bahrain’s Distinctive Path in Gulf Transformations

Surrounded by big neighbours, Bahrain has shaped a distinctive trajectory in Gulf politics. A Sunni-ruled monarchy with a mainly Shia population, Bahrain has just announced talks to restore diplomatic relations with Iran, is the only Arab country that signed a security agreement with Israel in the framework of the Abraham Accords, and, in the Red Sea, is the only joining the US-led naval mission Prosperity Guardian. Furthermore, Manama aims to balance strengthened defense ties with the US and the recently signed Comprehensive Strategic Partnership with China. Focusing on the original sources and drivers of Bahrain's regional policy, this ISPI Dossier sheds light on a small but pivotal country whose stability is decisive also for Saudi Arabia and US' interests in the region.