UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

09/12/2024 | News release | Archived content

Experts in sediment management gather at the 4th Ibero-American Congress on Sediments and Ecology

These events brought together approximately 120 participants, including professionals and specialists from countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the United States, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, and Uruguay.

The congress was an initiative of the working group of the International Sediment Initiative of the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (PHI, by its acronyms in spanish) of UNESCO for Latin America and the Caribbean (ISI-LAC).

Previous editions were held in Querétaro, Mexico (2015), Santiago, Chile (2018), and virtually in 2021.

In this fourth edition, the Organising Committee was comprised of the University of Costa Rica, the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme of UNESCO for Latin America and the Caribbean (PHI-LAC, by its acronyms in spanish) through its International Sediment Initiative (ISI-LAC), the International Erosion and Sediment Control Association, Ibero-American Chapter (IECA), the Costa Rican Soil Science Association (ACCS), the Mexican Institute of Water Technology (IMTA), the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE), and the Costa Rican Institute of Electricity (ICE).

The main objective of the congress was to promote a scientific exchange platform for the integrated management of erosion, sediments, and ecosystems, with a focus on sustainable development.

Participants had the opportunity to learn about best practices, share experiences, strengthen professional ties, and stay up to date on the most relevant topics related to erosion, sedimentation, and sediment-associated ecology.

The topics addressed during the congress included: erosion, sediments, and climate change; watershed management; river and water body morphology; dating and historical reconstruction of sedimentation processes; sediment transport; sediments as vectors of contaminants; erosion, sediments, ecology, and water quality; environmental, social, and legislative perspectives; management and rehabilitation of contaminated sediments; management and reuse of sediments; sediment monitoring and characterisation; hydraulic works and water-sediment interaction; disaster prevention, and nature-based solutions.

The activities began on 5th August with two pre-conference courses: the Professional Certificate in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) and Best Engineering Practices for Rural Roads (MPICR).

From 6th to 8th August, there were 66 oral presentations, 4 keynote lectures, and 18 posters of various projects. Additionally, a special session open to the public was held at the Turrialba Municipal Theatre, where 3 keynote lectures were presented, and solutions for erosion and sedimentation control were discussed, concluding with a demonstration of hydroseeding.

The congress concluded on 8th August with words of thanks to the participants, the organising institutions, and the sponsors.

To conclude the activities, on 9th August, a field trip was made to the Angostura Dam of the ICE and the FEIMA farm of the UCR. At the dam, ICE personnel presented the socio-environmental activities they carry out, highlighting the challenges in sediment management. At the FEIMA farm, which was used as a dump during the construction of the Angostura Dam, a successful case of soil recovery through agroforestry practices was presented. This site is now a demonstration area for extension, teaching, and research activities of the UCR.

Among the activities carried out during these five days was the meeting of the UNESCO IHP-LAC working group for the International Sediment Initiative (ISI), in which a roadmap for the next biennium was drawn up, considering the needs in sediment management in the region and the new global strategy for ISI.

The "José Daniel Brea" award was also presented for the first time, in tribute to the Argentine engineer, a prominent member of the UNESCO IHP-LAC working group for ISI, and a renowned researcher in the field of hydraulic engineering and esteemed university professor, who passed away in 2020.

This award, intended to encourage young researchers, aims to promote the study and practice of the various branches of water and sediment sciences, following the example of Engineer José Daniel Brea.