12/03/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 12/03/2024 14:03
In 2022, two Evanston small business owners founded e-Local Marketplace (ELM) with a bold mission. Bryant Wallace and Clarence Weaver wanted to transform the way large organizations connect with local businesses to facilitate non-contract spending.
"Small business sellers often lack the financial resources, the technical expertise, or the time" to do e-commerce on their own, Weaver said. ELM offers a solution, with a platform aiming to increase earnings for such businesses - including those owned by women, minorities and veterans - in Evanston and the surrounding area.
The inspiration for ELM was born when Wallace participated in the Leadership Evanston group. During an assignment to speak with community businesses and institutions, he discovered that many larger institutions wanted an easier way to find and buy from local companies. After talking over the problem together, he and Weaver began to build what became ELM. Both brought years of IT experience to the project.
Wallace and Weaver connected with Jim Konrad, Northwestern's assistant vice president for Procurement and Payment Services, who served on a local advisory committee. Working with the University was a big step for ELM, not only to lend credibility to the platform but also as an opportunity to build and foster community relationships. The goal is to put the ELM platform in iBuyNU, and Procurement and Payment Services has tested the platform in the past year with favorable results.
"I believe in a holistic approach," Wallace says. "When you have successful local businesses and institutions working together, there's an opportunity to spark and build new things."
Northwestern will host a forum with ELM on Tuesday, Dec. 10, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in Guild Lounge at 601 University Place in Evanston, bringing together potential buyers and sellers to further invigorate the local economy and expand the platform's reach. Learn more and register now.