Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan)

08/21/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Remarks by Deputy Minister Tien, Chung kwang to introduce the Hon. Yoshihiko Noda, former Prime Minister of Japan, as opening keynote speaker at the Ketagalan Forum—2024 Indo[...]

Remarks by Deputy Minister Tien, Chung-kwang to introduce the Hon. Yoshihiko Noda, former Prime Minister of Japan, as opening keynote speaker at the Ketagalan Forum-2024 Indo-Pacific Security Dialogue

  • Data Source:Department of Policy Planning
  • Date:2024-08-21

Tien, Chung-kwang

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

Republic of China (Taiwan)

August 21, 2024

(As Prepared for Delivery)

Ladies and gentlemen:

Good morning!

I have the distinct privilege of introducing one of Taiwan's closest and most long-standing friends-the Honorable Yoshihiko Noda, member of the Japanese House of Representatives and former prime minister of Japan-as the opening keynote speaker at this year's Ketagalan Forum. On behalf of the people and government of Taiwan, I would like to extend a warm welcome to Mr. Noda on his fourth visit to our shores.

Mr. Noda's distinguished career in public service has spanned decades. Throughout the years, he has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to democratic values, economic resilience, and international cooperation. During his tenure as prime minister from September 2011 to December 2012, he guided Japan through the immediate aftermath of the devastating earthquake and tsunami of 2011. His leadership helped steer the nation on a course toward recovery and revitalization.

Beyond his domestic achievements, Mr. Noda has enhanced Japan's standing as a key player in global diplomacy and a major contributor to security and development in the region. He has helped cement Japan's role in promoting the Indo-Pacific as a strategic and economic center of gravity.

Underpinned by his understanding that a peaceful Indo-Pacific is integral to global prosperity, Mr. Noda has been a champion of regional stability. When faced with such challenges as territorial disputes, piracy, and the preservation of sea lanes, he has emphasized collaboration among like-minded nations to defend the rules-based international order.

Moreover, Mr. Noda has been a strong advocate for Taiwan's participation in the international community. His support is rooted in a deep respect for Taiwan's democratic achievements and a recognition of its importance to regional peace and prosperity.

Today, we have the privilege of hearing from Mr. Noda himself. In his opening remarks, he will address our current challenges and explore opportunities for collaboration and growth within the region. With his unique insights into the geopolitical landscape of the Indo-Pacific, Mr. Noda will undoubtedly offer us invaluable guidance to navigate the complexities ahead and chart a path to stability, cooperation, and development.

So, without further ado, please join me in welcoming the forum's opening keynote speaker, the Honorable Yoshihiko Noda.