Delegation of the European Union to Albania

09/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/18/2024 04:30

Venezuela: Speech by the High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell in the EP plenary on developments after presidential elections

Speech delivered by Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli, on behalf of High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell.

Check against delivery!

Thank you, President, Honourable Members [of the European Parliament],

These are, indeed, sad days for democracy in Venezuela.

On 28 July, 20 millions of Venezuelans turned up in large numbers to peacefully exercise their political right to vote. In doing so, they sent a forceful message that the Venezuelan people want to bring about change, despite the shortcomings of the electoral process, as denounced by the United Nations Panel of Experts on the presidential elections.

The candidate backed by the opposition, Edmundo González, appears to have won the elections by a significant majority, according to the publicly available copies of the electoral records. Faced with repression, political persecution and direct threats to his safety and freedom, after receiving hospitality at the residence of The Netherlands in Caracas, Mr Edmundo González had to request political asylum and accept the protection offered by Spain.

I salute Mr González's determination and convey my full solidarity to him and to his family. In a democracy, no political leader should be forced to seek asylum in another country.

A month and a half after the elections, the Venezuelan authorities have failed to publish the official voting records of the Presidential elections. The position of the European Union, as reiterated by the High Representative Borrell after the Informal Foreign Affairs Councilof 29 August, is clear and shared unanimously by all 27 Member States. In the absence of independently verifiable voting records, the European Union cannot recognise the democratic character of the announced results and, therefore, will not recognise the legitimacy of Nicolás Maduro as a democratically elected president. Maduro has blatantly disregarded the will of the Venezuelan people and intensified the repression of all dissenting voices. The long process of erosion of democracy in Venezuela has reached a new low in recent days.

The European Union remains committed to the restoration of democracy in Venezuela. We will continue to support the efforts of the democratic opposition, as the only way for Venezuela to get out of a long social and political crisis. The unity of the opposition has been key to their electoral success. Throughout this period, High Representative Borrell has remained in close contact with Presidential candidate, Mr Edmundo González, who was invitedto address the Foreign Affairs Ministers of the EU. High Representative Borrell has also been in contact with opposition leader Ms María Corina Machado.

The European Union will continue to fight for the respect of human rights in Venezuela. Venezuelan authorities must put an end to repression, arbitrary arrests and harassment against members of the opposition and civil society. We call for the release of all political prisoners and for the immediate return of the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner [OHCR] for Human Rights to Caracas.

Only a Venezuelan-led, peaceful and inclusive solution can make a democratic transition possible in Venezuela. This requires meaningful dialogue that initiates a democratic transition, provides guarantees to both sides and leads to the restoration of democracy. In this regard, I commend the ongoing mediation initiatives led by regional partners, notably Brazil and Colombia.

The will of Venezuelan voters must be respected.

Thank you for your attention.

Link to the video (starting at 0:26):

Closing remarks

Thank you, President, Honourable Members,

The European Union will stand up for the restoration of democracy in Venezuela. The debate today proves that we collectively remain committed to the democratic aspirations of the Venezuelan people. And we need to do so by firmly supporting a united democratic opposition leading the way for a transition towards freedom in the country.

I have taken good note of our exchange and will convey to High Representative [Josep] Borrell the different positions expressed today. As European Union, we will use our foreign policy toolbox to bolster efforts leading towards a peaceful and democratic Venezuelan-led solution after many years of political, economic and humanitarian crises. Respect for freedom and human rights in Venezuela is our priority.

It is high time Venezuela builds a future defined by peace and democracy, without repression or fear.

Mr. González [Urrutia] can count on the unwavering support of the European Union.

The European Union demands that the voice of Venezuelans is listened to. Their democratic will must be respected.

Thank you.

Link to the video: