
State of Indiana

09/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/16/2024 22:13

~SALT CREEK VALLEY HISTORY WEEK~ Public Archaeology Day, Fairfax SRA (Monroe Lake) *60th Anniversary Event*

*** This event is part of Monroe Lake's 60th Anniversary Celebration! For a full list of anniversary events, see ***

*** This program is part of Salt Creek Valley History Week! For a full list of history programs, see ***

Public Archaeology Day

Fairfax State Recreation Area

Before Monroe Lake was built, the Salt Creek Valley was home to numerous small family farms, some dating back to the 1820s. While most homesteads have been reclaimed by time and nature, remnants remain in the form of scattered foundation stones, piles of rock and brick from collapsed chimneys, wells and cisterns, and fragments of metal and pottery.

Archaeologists from the Indiana Division of Historic Preservation and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District are partnering with the Indiana Division of State Parks to document and map some of these historic sites - and share their history with visitors.

Join us for this public archaeology day, part of Indiana Archaeology Month ( and Salt Creek Valley History Week (

Open Viewing from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Drop by anytime during this 3-hour period to observe archaeological site mapping in action, learn about the land ownership history, and ask questions! After you pass thru the entrance gatehouse, park in the small gravel lot on the right side of the road. Follow the red arrow signs back to the project location, about a ¾ mile hike (if you have mobility concerns, call the phone number posted on the first arrow sign and we'll give you a lift to/fro). NO REGISTRATION NEEDED.

Archaeology Volunteer Shift: Site Mapping at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.

Assist archaeologists with site mapping: taking measurements, digging shovel probes, and screening sediment! Each shift is 1.5 hours in length. Limited to 4 people per shift, must be at least 10 years old. Volunteers must be able to navigate uneven ground, read a measuring tape, and be okay with getting a little dirty! Advance signup required by noon on Sep. 15 at

Archaeology Volunteer Shift: Site Preparation at 1:00 p.m.

Assist archaeologists with prepping a second site for future mapping: removing brush and small trees, conducting a visual search, and recording GPS locations.Shift is 2 hours in length. Limited to 6 people, must be at least 14 years old. Volunteers must be able to navigate uneven ground and be comfortable working with hand tools (loppers). Advance signup required by noon on Sep. 15 at