University of Scranton

06/27/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Summer Intern Spotlight: Sally Hopkins

By: Ava Aversa '26, student correspondent

As a radio intern working with Seven Mountains Media in Stroudsburg, Sally Hopkins '26, gained experience working for different radio personalities that sparked career possibilities.

Hopkins, a rising junior, lives in East Stroudsburg. The advertising / public relations and journalism / electronic media double major discusses her on-the-job experience.

Describe a typical day at work.

"At my internship, I shadow one to two members of the company for a span of two hours. Depending on the day and person I shadow, I can either be very hands-on or observe. The people I work with include promotions, traffic, program directors, sales and on-air staff.
On Tuesdays, I attend both the sales and the promotion meetings. I spend a lot of my time having fun getting to know my coworkers, as well as singing along to the radio with them. I also have many atypical days where I help with events, including the Pride Festival, Stuff the Bus and various remotes. I always have a ton of fun shouting at strangers to take some free stickers!"

What is the time frame for your internship?

"My internship started in late May and ends in mid-August. I was also sponsored to attend the national Confer Radio Talent Institute in May. I will be working 180 hours total."

What are some skills you have learned?

"Some skills I have learned are music directing, traffic directing, board operating, audio editing, promotion and communication skills, and on-air voice tracking."

What do you enjoy most about your job?

"I love everything about my job, but if I had to pick my favorite part, it would be the atmosphere of the people who run it. The people at this station remind me so much of [NBC's] "The Office." Each member is quirky, funny, and loveable. When it comes to my actual career, it can be hard to decide on taking an advertising, public relations, radio, or TV route, but I know that my personality aligns perfectly with the characters in the radio industry. This internship has shown me a place I can be myself every day."

What was your expectation going into the job? Does it match the reality?

"Since the Promotions Director is my boss, I expected most of my internship to be sending out mail and attempting to gain listeners and sponsors. However, that is only a small part of what I do. I am very surprised and impressed at the quality of my internship, and how many different parts of operating a radio station I get to see."

How do you feel that this job has prepared you for the real world?

"This internship has provided me with a solid blueprint of where I hope to see myself post-graduation. No matter what part of the radio industry I land in, I know that I want to be a part of it to continue to express myself, enjoy going to work every day, and be where I am a valued member of the company. Every day, I hear the same commercial that Seven Mountains Media runs on its own stations, where owner Kristin Cantrell says, 'My father always told me that if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life. Well here at Seven Mountains Media, we love what we do.' I think that quote describes my opinion of the company perfectly."