AAMC - Association of American Medical Colleges

07/12/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Senate Appropriators Approve FY 25 VA Spending Bill


Andrew Herrin, Senior Legislative Analyst
For Media Inquiries

The Senate Appropriations Committee convened to consider its first group of fiscal year (FY) 2025 spending bills on July 11, and approved the FY 2025 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs (VA), and Related Agencies spending bill (PDF) and accompanying report (PDF) by a unanimous 27-0 vote. In the same meeting, the committee approved suballocations for each of the 12 spending bills by a party line vote.

The bill would provide the VA Medical and Prosthetic Research program $878 million, $65 million (8%) below the FY 2024 enacted level, and $45.5 million (5%) below the FY 2025 House bill (H.R. 8580) [refer to Washington Highlights, June 7]. The bill would provide $112.6 billion for VA medical care programs, $6.4 billion (5.3%) below the FY 2024 enacted level and $400 million (.3%) below the FY 2025 House bill.

Unlike the House-passed bill, the Senate bill does not include policy provisions that would prohibit abortion services or the implementation of executive orders relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion activities.