HSPA - Household & Commercial Products Association

12/16/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 12/16/2024 10:18

HCPA Announces 2024 Innovation Award Winners

Sixth annual Innovation Awards recognize members of the household and commercial products industry for accomplishments in product innovation and sustainability

The Household & Commercial Products Association (HCPA) recently announced the winners of the 2024 Innovation Awards, which honor companies in the household and commercial products industry for accomplishments in five product categories: Carbon Footprint, Circular Economy, End-User Communication, Ingredients, and Technology.

The Innovation Awards are held in conjunction with HCPA's Annual Meeting in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. To engage conference attendees in the recognition, there is a vote for an innovation to also win the Association Award.

"HCPA's Innovation Awards demonstrate the groundbreaking work being done across the industry to develop products and solutions that elevate the safety, efficacy, and sustainability of household and commercial products," said Steve Caldeira, President & CEO. "This year's winners represent the forefront of innovation - advancing environmental stewardship, pioneering new technologies, and responding to the evolving needs of consumers. HCPA is proud to honor the companies whose passion and ingenuity are shaping the future of the industry, driving positive change, and setting new standards for what is possible."

HCPA would like to congratulate the following companies for their accomplishments and leadership in driving the industry's transition to a more environmentally and socially sustainable economy.

  • Association Award
    The Clorox Company
  • Carbon Footprint
  • Circular Economy
  • End-User Communication
    The WD-40 Company
  • Ingredients
    IndSpyre Solutions
  • Technology
    The Clorox Company

Nominations for the Innovation Awards are open to formulators, manufacturers, and distributors of household and commercial products and related ingredients, packaging, and technologies. A panel of expert judges from HCPA's Sustainability & Product Stewardship Council (SPSC) ranked the nominated products in each category to determine the winner. The Association Award winner was determined by votes from HCPA Annual Meeting attendees.