National Marine Fisheries Service

07/09/2024 | News release | Archived content

Celebrating Habitat Month 2024: Habitat for All

I am thrilled that July is Habitat Monthat NOAA Fisheries, when we celebrate the importance of healthy coastal habitats. For the entire month of July, NOAA Fisheries promotes our incredible habitat conservation efforts through our website and social media channels.

This year, the theme is Habitat for All.We are focusing on how NOAA Fisheries is working with our partners to make a historic impact with funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Actto restore coastal habitats and support communities across the country. Everything we do requires strong partnerships, and they are incredibly important to us. We are looking forward to highlighting these collaborative efforts all month.

NOAA Fisheries has a long-standing history of conserving habitat to support healthy fish, restoring habitat to help recover endangered species, and supporting resilient coastal ecosystems and communities. During Habitat Month, we showcase the value of habitat and the important work of our agency and our partners across the country. We highlight different types of habitat conservation work and information about our projects, staff, and partners. Follow along and join us all month!