Prairie View A&M University

07/31/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/31/2024 08:14

PVAMU students attend prestigious AI conference in Seattle


PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (July 31, 2024) - A team of Prairie View A&M University PhD students recently made their mark at the 2024 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition conference in Seattle, WA, to explore the future role of artificial intelligence in machine learning.

Guided by Dr. Suxia Cui, professor and graduate program coordinator of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, the students dove into the world's top computer vision event, held from June 17-21 at the Seattle Convention Center.

"It was very successful," said Dr. Cui. "We met Mr. James King from Apple, who introduced Apple and possible future funding directly for graduate students."

The adventure was powered by an Apple Travel Grant, a prestigious award pursued by the PVAMU visionary Dr. Kelvin Kirby before his retirement. This two-year grant is a ticket to innovation, sponsoring five bright PhD minds each year to attend leading machine-learning conferences.

"The conference was very informative regarding the implementation of generative AI into the field of computer vision and different methods that are being used," said PVAMU PhD student Christina Hastings. "I sat in on 'Responsible GenAI,' a workshop focused on the responsibility researchers have when generating data and how it will affect the community. A lot of large companies were in attendance and provided insight into the way these technologies are shaping the industry."

[Link]PVAMU Electrical Engineering PhD student Blessing Dike also attended the conference, saying that the experience offered further inspiration for her research to optimize data transmission and security in 5G technology and beyond.

"Attending the CVPR conference was a transformative experience that broadened my academic and professional horizons," said Dike. "Networking with peers from around the globe and sharing our challenges and breakthroughs was encouraging and sparked several collaborative ideas."

PVAMU students were in the spotlight at CVPR, soaking up cutting-edge knowledge and showcasing their new research project with Princeton University. PVAMU and Princeton University are united in their groundbreaking "Princeton Alliance for Collaborative Research and Innovation" project, "Computer Vision for Underwater Exploration." This collaborative effort seeks to revolutionize underwater vision with state-of-the-art models.

Dr. Olga Russakovsky, an associate professor in the Computer Science Department at Princeton, and her team are working with Dr. Cui's team at PVAMU to spearhead this project. CVPR 2024 was the perfect arena for project personnel to meet, brainstorm and push the boundaries of what's possible.

With Seattle's tech-savvy atmosphere and the spirit of collaboration in the air, PVAMU's presence at CVPR 2024 was a testament to the University's commitment to innovation and excellence in computer vision research.

"We hope this will inspire our students," said Dr. Cui. "We aim to support our students in attending top conferences and raising our academic standards."

By Kerry Laird