XBP Europe Holdings Inc.

04/30/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Finextra holds a discussion with XBP Europe, and banks such as Citi

We are delighted to see XBP Europe highlighted in the latest article from renowned tech publication, Finextra. The piece, which followed an interview format, draws on expert voices from XBP Europe, HSBC, Citi, BNP Paribas and Nordea.

This article explores the issue of delayed payments, and the effect this has on other organisational processes and even the broader economy. Insights are provided on how this can all be reduced or prevented. It features a lot of input from our colleague in the UK, Richard Lean, who provided his expertise and experience to help bring it together.

Delayed payments are still a fact of life for organisations the world over. Whether payments are being conducted digitally or via more traditional methods, the objective is the same. Fast, frictionless transactions pave the way for improved efficiency, better cash flow and eventually, a healthier bottom line.

The importance of this goes beyond cost and time savings. Smooth payments provide a strong foundation to enhance liquidity, which, at the end of the day, is key to thriving in today's marketplace. Payments are a huge topic in the UK and beyond, and this piece by Finextra shone a spotlight on the thought leadership we have at XBP Europe.

Finextra features commentary from XBP Europe and other industry peers

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