NYU - New York University

07/15/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 07/15/2024 15:36

Ask the Intern: Neil-Aryan Patil

Neil-Aryan in the courtroom. Photo by David Song.

A job at the Kings County Supreme Court, Criminal Term comes with exposure to serious subject matter day to day. But the thing Neil-Aryan Patil (Gallatin '25) loves most about his internship in the chambers of Hon. Joanne D. Quinones-or "Camp Quinones," to use the team's informal nickname-is the daily dose of laughter.

Neil-Aryan Patil with Judge Quinones. Photo by David Song

"Judge Quinones and the clerks have fostered a welcoming learning environment where we can effortlessly switch from joking around to learning more about what it takes to be an attorney full time," says Neil, whose Gallatin concentration focuses on rhetoric, international politics, and law.

Neil-Aryan Patil with the judge and her clerks. Photo by David Song

The internship has also sharpened his writing skills. "Legal writing places an emphasis on clarity, brevity, and the soundness of your logic," Neil explains. "Drafting legal documents has made me more efficient, both in the way I communicate my arguments and how quickly I'm able to digest and collate information. I'm learning to lay out arguments that are complex-both logically and procedurally-in succinct ways."

THE GIG: My primary job responsibilities include legal writing, legal research, taking notes during court, and helping Judge Quinones procure any relevant documents prior to court proceedings. In my role assisting the legal clerks, I often draft decisions, orders, and fact patterns. I also research case law to provide the clerks with relevant precedent when they come across complex legal issues.

INSPIRED BY:Jury Duty on Amazon Prime follows a real person who shows up for jury duty not knowing that the rest of the jurors and everyone involved in the whole trial are actors. It's a hilarious show that underscores the importance of community in finding justice.

Break room photos courtesy of Neil-Aryan Patil

LUNCH BREAK ROUTINE: Every day I get lunch from a restaurant near the office and eat with my coworkers in our staff room, or in the office if the judge has time to meet with everyone. My coworkers and bosses are intelligent, funny, and compassionate, and I really value the relationships I've formed this summer. We also have taco Tuesdays and ice cream Fridays!

NETWORKING: The New York Unified Court System brings in lots of keynote speakers, so every day there are lectures that interns are encouraged to attend to learn more about the skills needed to one day practice law. Through networking events that introduce us to judges from the district courts all the way up to the appellate division, I've met with judges, attorneys, and prosecutors that deal with everything from criminal law to matrimonial law and even corporate law. I'd love to get to meet someone like Justice Sonia Sotomayor or Kings County District Attorney Eric Gonzalez.

Office view photo courtesy of Neil-Aryan Patil

REAL RESPONSIBILITY: It's been rewarding to get unfiltered exposure to the inner workings of our justice system. The internship gives us privileged access to information and trusts us to execute on our assignments. I feel really fortunate to be given the opportunity to do work that meaningfully assists the judge's chambers.

DREAM JOB: I would like to be an attorney who is doing work that fascinates me or that I believe is righteous. Maybe one day I could even be district attorney or attorney general. Otherwise, I could see myself following my passion through entertainment law.

Team selfie courtesy of Neil-Aryan Patil