University of Missouri - Kansas City

05/07/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 05/07/2024 19:52

St. Louis Native Finds Community and Purpose in Pharmacy at UMKC

St. Louis Native Finds Community and Purpose in Pharmacy at UMKC

Savannah Jenkins is seeking doctoral and master's degrees simultaneously
Photo by Anna Swink

At UMKC, students write their own stories, form their own definitions of success and chart innovative career paths. Savannah Jenkins, a St. Louis native, came to UMKC to become a pharmacist and found community, leadership opportunities and a program with unwavering commitment to student success.

Savannah Jenkins

Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri

Graduating Year: 2025

Degree Program: Pharm.D. and MBA

Undergrad: St. Charles Community College, UMSL

Why did you choose UMKC?

I chose UMKC for several reasons. My fiancé got accepted into the dental school right across the street. I also felt like the School of Pharmacy program's values aligned with mine with their community outreach, their emphasis on professionalism and innovation. The community I saw in my interview reeled me in. Our professors care about each of us, and there is a lot to get involved with!

Why did you choose pharmacy?

I used to play doctor with my mom as a kid, so I knew I wanted to do health care, but I didn't know what I wanted to do. My dad has a pharmacist friend, and initially I thought pharmacy was just standing behind the counter and looking at pills all day. I didn't realize that there were a ton of job avenues within pharmacy. That flexibility and the different opportunities within pharmacy really spoke to me.

Do you know what avenue you want to take within pharmacy?

There are so many that it's hard for me to try and narrow them down, but I think I've got it down to two. Ambulatory care or industry work in sales, research or development. I'm also getting my MBA with my Pharm.D. through the Henry W. Bloch School of Management. UMKC offers that unique opportunity to their pharmacy students, which is great. I take my MBA classes online so I'll graduate with both degrees at the same time. The MBA will give me more opportunities within pharmacy down the line.

What has been inspiring to you about pharmacy?

I've been inspired through my peers and seeing their own experiences in pharmacy. Also, when you go through your rotations and get the chance to apply what you're learning in the classroom out in the real world and interact with patients, you see that what you're learning will impact people as a pharmacist. I can look down the road and say, 'that is going to be me someday!'

What have you learned about yourself at UMKC?

Time management. Planning and initiating good time management practices into my daily routine has been important. I try to have three big goals for each day. I have a couple of school goals and one personal goal.

Who at UMKC do you admire most?

One of my best friends in my program, Ayatt Muslet, is a single mom who is balancing motherhood with schoolwork and several different jobs. She's doing all this pharmacy work and has four kids to take care of. At the end of a long day, when I'm tired, I know that if she can do it, so can I. She's really a rock star.

What extracurricular activities are you involved in?

Last year, I was on the executive board of APHA (American Public Health Association). This year, I'm the president of PHL, or Public Health Organization. I also do research with Our Healthy Jackson County . I get to go out into the community at least twice a month and work with my peers in dental, nursing and medical school. As pharmacy students specifically, we provide free vaccinations and mental health screenings. We are able to refer a patient to additional resources if their screening shows that they need additional mental health support. I feel like I'm really making a difference.

What do you hope to take from your experiences at UMKC into your professional career?

The professionalism that UMKC instills in their students. They set us up well to communicate effectively with patients and other health-care providers, and they help establish confidence. Confidence, communication, professionalism and problem-solving are all skills I hope to take with me.

What is one word that best describes you?

Persistent. I had to be persistent about wanting to get where I am. I did community college and wasn't sure what I wanted to do yet. Then, I got my B.S. and knew I wanted to go into health care, but it was between dentistry and pharmacy. Then I took a gap year and was really working on making myself competitive. I finally made it here, and persistence was the key. At any point, I could have said, "this is a lot of school and I think I'm done."

Most used social media channel?

Pinterest. It feels much more relaxing than other social media platforms.

What's your favorite place to eat in Kansas City?


Where's your favorite spot to hang out in Kansas City?

I don't get to hang out a lot but when I do go out, I like the Power and Light District. I spend most of my time at home or at school studying. I also like all the different cafes in Kansas City.

How is Kansas City different than St. Louis?

It's my first time getting a real feel for downtown city life. There's so much to do just a few minutes away, whether it's catching a game, hitting up some cool bars or exploring local parks. Back home is great too, but it's really nice to switch things up and enjoy the new scenery here. Every day brings something new and exciting!